You (and your system) might be ghetto if;

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by JoeAudio26, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Full Member

    My friend had his sub in a 5 gallon bucket until he could afford a box....
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    thats not getto. it's super
  3. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    I like the subs in the keg trick.. pretty funny if you ask me.

  4. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Nice! I like it! Is that your's Dave?

    "You know you're anti-ghetto if..."

    You pull up to the red light with the theme from "Happy Days" just cranked playing through your system from your ipod.:)
  5. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    metal kegs? um, just me, but won't that sound like ****? even if you dynamat the hell out of the inside of it. ??
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Metal enclosures do "ring"...but I would have to say that setup IS ghetto because of the DUAL subs and the LEGACY 2000 watt amps lol
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    dont you guy's always say it's all box.the sub dont for the choice of guess is that kegs aint cheap,and it's a budget thing?.lol
  8. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    I think it's mostly a "hey look at me and my neon green keg spot welded peice of **** system".. it's probably in some sort of ****ty ricer anyway. lol
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    it IS creative though...i have a buddy that wants to make a box out of a cooler.he too has an SUV and wants a stealth system.he's guessing he can cut the bottom out and fiberglass a box inside of it.that way it looks like just a cooler in the back
  10. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    i've seen a nos bottle in a book bag in the trunk once. that looked awesome. lol
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    now your just being
  12. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    lol....only NOS bottle subwoofers I know are made by Bazooka.

    And yes pedro it is all box...but a keg isn't much of an enclosure for sound quality nor spl lol

    All box....not. "its all in the keg"
  13. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    no no no... the nos has nothing to do with subs. i was just commenting on weird installs. the nos bottle was hooked up but the bottle was covered with a book bag. like a hole was cut in the bottom of the bag for the hose and it just was cool b/c you could unzip the bag and see the nos bottle, but if it was zipped up. then you woudln't know it was there if you were just looking at it. it'd be just a book bag in the trunk.
  14. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

  15. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    did someone say keg? as in beer?
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok. stealth NOS.but if you said a sub in a book bag....that would be

    wait....!!i saw one in a cardboard box on R.O.E.but i cant find the page.damb!
  17. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    This should be good for a laugh!

    Attached Files:

  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    at least bolt it to the box.and please clean that motor
  19. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    lol, it's temporary untill i get some better stuff, I did get the other mtx so just need a descent amp. Will clean up the car when the weather gets nicer.
  20. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    oh i was just messing