Why does everyone hate other forums?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by fugyaself, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I doubt Adire will do anything bad to members of SIn.... Dan's always had the tact and sensibility to avoid stuff like that.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    thatr is OK, I am hell bent on Putting all other Car audio forums out of business :D :D :D :D :D :D

    once I win the lottery :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
  3. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Keep dreaming boys.

    Keep talking... :D

    I almost forgot about this place... I see Geo hasn't forgotten about SIn though...

    You'd think after a few years you could pull your collective tail out of your posterior and quit whining when someone argues with you. Obviously - that thought would be incorrect.

    Lemming, or constructive thinker?

    Only a lemming when one doesn't agree with Geo immediately.

    I personally don't need "extra quotations" or "long replies" to get a point across - or to elevate my own sense of "self-worth"...

    Back to your program, hate away. ;) I'm not losing any sleep.

    See you in another 6 months or so, you "true car audio" butt kickers!
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, way to raise a thread that was otherwise dead. :p

    And why bring me into this?
    The only mention I made of SIN was when it was specifically referred to - I didn't bring it up, and this thread certainly wasn't complaining about any one forum.

    This thread was about exactly what the question in the title is -
    Why do people hate other forums?

    You could say the same thing about car audio shops...
    What bad vibes exist at car audio shops?

    You might cite examples of bad treatment (as I happened to) to illustrate, but that doesn't make any implimentation that that's the only shop that has those bad vibes.

    And if you read anything in this thread, it's more than clear that this isn't a slam on your forum, or you personally (my apologies for not flattering you with such recognition :rolleyes: take the ego elsewhere), but rather a discussion about bad trends on forums that result in them not being productive.

    And that's it.

    If I cared about your forum, I'd probably go there. ;)
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes I agree
  6. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Ego? Look at yourself there killa - you're the one that got all whiny that two people didn't agree with you and jump on your little bandwagon... Then suddenly you decide based on that the entire forum is ________... Two people there you devil dog... Me and one other person... Woooo... What was that back then? .1% of the forum? That's everyone though!

    Instead of pulling the shaft out of your tail end - you instead grind it on for several years... You need a release? Whine at me in e-mail, we can go back and forth until you feel like your life is complete again - I can spend a few minutes of my day making you feel justified for your bloody ANCIENT, and unfounded, whine.

    Not technically back from the dead, I only come to this place every half a year or so... Predominantly because your long-winded stupidity annoys the hell out of me. ;) If I cared at all what you thought I'd come around more often too. ;)

    There is a reason this place is dead as a tomb. ;) Guess you haven't been able to figure out why yet... ;)

    You guys crack me up... B)
  7. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member


    See you in a few months? Unless someone links me here again.

    You guys rock!
  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Case in point? :unsure:

    Hey, after reading an exhibition like this put on by you, I really don't feel so bad about mentioning your forum as one of these "bad examples"...
    ...I don't think people reading this thread will think that I'm the one who is off base here. Thanks for lending my example, and this entire thread, credibility, I guess. :rolleyes:

    And you don't seem to recall much of the story, why I don't visit SIN much, and hardly post ever, unless linked for some reason.
    Yes, you and your E-cronies decided to play bad-boy, and no, I wasn't impressed.
    But in the spirit of what this entire thread is about - the issue wasn't that. The issue was all the lemmings following their leader... "Josh can do no wrong!", despite witnessing it...
    What was ultimately silly was the argumentativeness of people, the massive amounts of negative feedback given, and the overt aggression no matter the thread, no matter my contribution.

    Just like in real life, I'd hope that if someone spit in your face, you wouldn't double your efforts to try to be their friend.
    And if you found yourself in a place where you were surrounded by people who were doubling their efforts... and in sad, sad ways like trying to attack other people (like yourself) to make themselves feel good... would you want to be part of that scene?

    Hey, I never said there weren't any good people there. There are lots.
    Just that there were more sad people than I could bear to witness.

    You seem to think I reacted wrongly. That's interesting.
    More interestingly, you seem to actually care for some reason. :detective:
  9. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Wait... this thread has a spirit?

    You imply people will agree with you... The thread starts out with you unprovokedly bitching about other forums... Mature move #1... I read your first thread on sin, yet again... You acted like a spoiled child without provocation based on a simple question of your actions... Mature move #2... You haven't been able to get over it since... Mature move #3...

    Admit it... The reason you stay on CAF is because you like to surround yourself with people that will suck you off and make you feel better about yourself... There is nothing involving or superior to any of the places you frequent, except you have the ability to surround yourself with groupies. Give it up.

    I'm pretty sure this thread is just geolemming bitching about other forums he doesn't get along with... You had nothing constructive to say in this thread, there is nothing constructive about this thread... To pretend there is paramount to your own ignorance.



    You can validate your existance however you want... you bitch about the 'exhibition put on by me' yet you are incapable of looking at your own ridiculous behavior.


    <turns off thread notification>
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    This isn't my thread, I didn't start it.

    Regarding my first comments about SIN, I stated simply this, and no more:
    "Some people around here don't like SI.N because of what traditionally has been a large percentage of the user base having a cattle-grazing, or gang mentality."
    And you've just spent three posts on this thread proving my observations correct.

    I try to post objectively, not with voodoo, black magic, or amusing myself by seeing how far I can push what I say before people finally catch on and react. :rolleyes:

    Put another way - I try to honestly, objectively help people, whenever I'm not trying to gain insight myself on the forums.

    Implying that I would want to participate on a forum where that isn't encouraged...
    Or implying that I wouldn't want to participate on forums where that is encouraged...

    ...it is common sense, actually. B)

    I don't hang out places that encourage the sort of butt-kissing that you discuss.
    That's why I don't get on your forum much - if I haven't made that clear by now. :p
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    All Right enough with who has the bigger Penis...

    Mine is Bigger than both of yours so Shut the hell up :D
  12. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member


    i came here lookin' for seth and i stumble on this
  13. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    If you find him, let me know!

    We've all been missing him lately. :(

    Just curious, I might be able to help you find him though... what were you looking to contact him on?
  14. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    I was bannzored from SiN because BigBassLloyn is a POS who runs a forum like that deletes topics 'out of our ideals' on demand, in similar fashion to the ED forums and icix. Way overmoderated. That, and I got into it with Lloyd a few years ago and started calling him names and kinda threatened him. I'm pretty sure that was what actually got me banned. Not that I care.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2006