who will win

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by stacy532, Jun 4, 2002.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The fight is this weekend......me and my boys are getting a party going and watching the fight.
  2. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    Can someone please post who wins and how.
  3. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    hey i bet $100,000 that Lewis wins:D
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Lewis beat the holy snot out of Mike. When Mike walked into the ring, he looked confused. I knew by the look on his face he was not going to win the fight. I told my wife this at the beginning. Mike hasn't fought a true contender in a while. I felt he would have been more aggressive in the early rounds, but Lewis held him off with jabs and a right hand that never seemed to miss. I mean Mike just stood there taking a damn beating and looking like he forgot why he was there. I hope Mike will be able to return to the old form, but I think his talent (yes, he was a talented powerful young man) was squandered in prison, where the only thing he got to beat was his meat:rolleyes: .

    *edit* it was a knockout in the 8th... *edit*
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    That sums it up really well.......good job!:cool:
  6. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    I thought dat shit would happen

    it seems mike assured himself a payday, cause he is broke! He prolly was on prozac! :sleep::smash:
  7. zabooza

    zabooza Full Member

    I would let someone kick the crap out of me for $20 million any day.
  8. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    me too .lol
  9. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    even though lewis won the fight, im still more afraid of tyson
  10. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    lol, yep tyson is unpredictable!:grenade:
  11. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    if lewis wasnt so british I would like him a lot better
  12. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member


    he sounds queer!:fgay:
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    the only challenge that lewis has is vladimir Klitchko, who he will not fight since he is a pussy. He said that Tyson completed his legacy......meaning that he has no plans on fighting vladimir. I would like to see a Lewis vs Shaq match. I wonder who would win........lol.
    Hopefully Lewis will want to challenge himself and fight Vladimir but I would dount it.....hes British.
  14. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    is klitchko the one who quit because his shoulder one time?:bs: we would trade 1 wuss for another!
  15. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I dont recall that but if it was a klitchko it was probably his brother. And smartass, you cant fight with a hurting should thats what is connected to the hand.
  16. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    ok but the fight

    im talking about even jim gray didnt believe his shoulder was hurt, and questioned his toughness! :beer:
  17. shootme

    shootme New Member

    Yeah, nothing like driving 500 miles on an oval...:rolleyes:
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The only reason people watch racing is too see people crash and maybe even die. I say just bring back Gladiator times!!!!!!!!!
    Boxing does not suck!:cool:
  19. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    yep, oval track racing is boring! Knockouts are cool but usually never happen!
  20. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    LOL, no kidding!! NASCAR is more about longevity than skill I think. And it is incredibly boring to watch. I'd rather watch Baseball than Nascar, and baseball is a major :sleep:. They need to think of something to make it more exciting!!