whats the dumbest thing you 've done to your car?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by pedro quiroga, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ouch.was anyone hurt?
  2. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    na, but my baby (car) is hurt bad
  3. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well...on morning after a night of hard partying we wanted some McDonalds. It was about 9:30-10:00 in the morning. Me and three of my friends were all still feeling a lil woozy but we were hungry lol.

    The friend who we were staying at lives in a subdivision off of the highway...well the road coming off of the highway was closed due to reconstruction of the road...what was left of the road was a little one and a half lane dirt road with 3-4 foot drop offs on each side. It rained like hell the night before so the road was kinda muddy....KINDA.

    We didn't wanna take the long detour which woud have been like 10 minutes from the 3 minute shortcut cuz Micky D's was right across the highway. So we took my friends Jeep Grand Cherokee and drove over the "road closed" sign cuz we were too lazy to move it outta the way.

    *IMPORTANT* detail comes in at this point...my who is driving has the 18 inch chrome rims and high performance STREET TIRES. (same guy who put on rims with a 7 in long socket wrench).

    Okay well after running over the sign he puts it into 4 wheel and we get going...and we are doing okay for there being 6 inches of mud and having high performance street tires. Then we start drifting off to the right...we're all like holy sh!t!!!! EVERYONE LEAN TO THE LEFT!!!!...my friend tried to cut it left but it just sucked him in....soon we were on three wheels and his front end is close to falling over the drop off. So we just stop and call up a friend and him and his dad come...his dad has a silverado...tries to pull us out and ends up in the same boat but about 15 feet behind us.

    Then we call up our friends dad's old friend with a WWII jeep with 44's on it...we see him come barreling the road...badass jeep. sucker dies on us and we have to push this bastard about 200 yards so he can drop the clutch and try to turn over the engine...he pulls out the silverado and then I go to McDonalds with the girls and get my food...come back and the jeep is still hauling my friends jeep out. At this time it is about 12:30-1:00 PM!!!!

    Then it starts to rain haha...To make the whole time better neighbors came out and watched us get pulled out for about an hour...one family came down in a van and brought all the kids!!! haha

    Moral of the story...don't try to go mudding with high performance street tires...it just doesn't really work too well
  4. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    HAHAHA good story
  5. darryle

    darryle Full Member

    I was doing brake maintenance on a 1100 Kawasaki,hot day 7 tall boys later went for a test ride , my son and his buddies were in front of the house so I decide to show off.Stand up wheelie shift to second....I forgot to pump up the rear brake,looped the bike slid home broke my wrist 3500 in damage to the bike...Damn beer changed brands don't want that to happen again
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    haha..nice darryle

    so the 1100 wasn't even yours?
  7. darryle

    darryle Full Member

    The 1100 was mine,beer and bikes have always been touble for me,last summer was the first time I crashed from just riding stupid,wrote off the 1200,collarbone, shoulder,ribs,funnybone,this summer a ZX14,I really dont want to write off this one....I'll have to learn I'm too old to crash bones take to long to mend after 50
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i forgot this one guys.........

    same friend i got stuck with.he just got his suzuki sidekick.it was a cool little ride.well anyways he just got it an hour before from the dealer.he was near my job an swung by.tells me "yeah it's got tsome pep for a 4 banger and it's 4 whell drive "so i take a look and tell him no its not it only rear wheel drive.he insists it is and drives it 30ft into the front part of the shops proporty.

    our shop's landscape is grass........but under that is muck in some spots.even the lawn guy gets his shhit stuck all the time.so now he's init deeeeep.like up to the bottom of the doors.so now that he knows he's in deep.he says to now check out how easy it comes out.

    so after a min. i ask.hey whats the hold up?he says he cant find the 4x4 button.thats cause there aint one you dumb ass.i say.so i had to pull him out with my truck.

    luckily i had a tow strap just long enough to keep me on the parking lot.when he got out the owner came out and yelled at him for messing up his landscape.i went back to work inside and left him with the boss.oh yeah just so you know my friend was the soda machine vender and has been good friends with the owner for some years.

    so after work i went over to my buds house and he told me it took him a while to get home cause the mud was sooo thick on his wheels that it knocked them out of balance.
    it also took him 2 hrs to hose all that **** off from under the truck.

    on a side note: 1 year after getting stuck in the sand at ocala.he bought some A/T tires and tried the sand pit again. this time in his truck only.we went through it 5 times with out getting stuck.the last time all he had were street tires.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2007
  9. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    yeah its pretty amazing what some off road tires can do instead of some all weather sh!t
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    More great stories!!!

    Alcohol and phucking trucks!!!! I love it!!!!!

    Last night I wiped out my kids go kart doing brake slides in the road. Rolled the SOB.....My knee, elbow and back are royally screwed up...had to have Mrs. Viking pull gravel out of my arm and back!!!! The alcohol killed the pain however.

    Will try this again next week after the scrapes are sorta healed up. I am thinking try it faster next time.......
  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Viking do you have any info on MAKING a go cart??

    I have the tools to weld up a frame and get an engine...I just don't know what kind of transmission they use and such

    I really wanna make one...I have a sweet neighborhood that would be fun to race around in
  12. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    HAHAH! Viking, you are SUCH a redneck!
  13. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    hold on i have one
  14. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    i used to race alcohol shifter karts, basically you use a briggs and straton engine from a lawn mower or something with a trans, built right into it, actually me and Dreamz were planning to build a go kart with an engine from one of his stangs, a 2.3 4 banger, idk if he wants to do it yet, hes always busy lol
  15. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    ok i installed a new 3" down pipe with a straight thru exhaust and forgot to hang it and took it for a run and fell off at about 70mph and hit the car behind me
  16. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    haha i remember that day, wiped off the front bumper of a Honda accord
  17. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    ohh dude thats sucks
  18. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    Hit a tree. Will get my bumper fixed sooooon
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    was that your current ride?