We're Too Cool To Discuss Current Events Here...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, you'd think so, but it's already too late.
    We're a society who buys People magazine, and who follows elections in states that we don't live in because there's some interesting quirk about it. ;)
    Once it's public scandal, it's firefighting time.:blowup:
    I haven't manufactured much yet! :D
    I definitely understand where you are coming from, but I absolutely don't believe in words like "always", "never"...
    And assumptions can always come back to bite you in the ass... case in point? B)

    Very good points. I didn't think of those. But I still doubt that those would offset the business they get from this free advertising. After all, this is being talked about over many different boards and as long as they handle themselves right, which it seems that they are, this should be positive for them.
    I absolutely agree...
    I don't see anything but sympathy for Onyx, and exposure for them. Onyx certainly wasn't a highly talked about brand before this scandal on any forums I frequent, yet suddenly we know something about what types of drivers they manufacture, where their buildhouse is (of course, who their buildhouse was also), and I don't know about you, but I was curious, I visited their website to check their stuff out.

    This doesn't look good for RE or Destijl though, given their inseparable relation.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    First off, I would like to say hey to Dan. We haven't seem too much of you around here lately.

    Also, Mustatang... we don't just allow talking about Adire... We ENCOURAGE it ;). Welcome aboard. Please, when you leave here, leave some knowledge behind, and take some with you.

    Chris, I was refering to Massengil of Onyx, not Scott from Destijl. I hope that clears up what you seem to have nisunderstood. Sure, micromanagement is definately not a good thing, but let's face it. In todays day and age, it is required. Work ethic is pretty much a laughable virtue anymore, as typically it is simply refered to being good if someone shows up 80% of the time... Pitiful, but true.

    Now on to the task at hand...

    Where does everyone get off complaining about Destijl QC? Everyone is talking about what terrible problems the drivers are having. Let me ask all of you this... What are the issues? Glue? Every failure I see people complainging about is quite simply glue related. Oh well, glue is like that sometimes. An air bubble in the line while mixing components can throw the composition of the final product, and it's effectiveness, off. What can you do? How can this be foreseen? It simply can't.

    In lesser drivers you will never have the stresses placed on glue joints. There is no way anyone can convince me an old JBL GT series with 8MM of excursion and no motor strength will place the same stress as a Brahma. Let's all be real about this. Therefor, in lesser drivers we will not see the failures in the glue.

    Well, TC sounds has no problems right? Hehehe, I will not mention any names, but I do recall some rather similar glue joint failures, with considerably more catastrophic results.

    Glue is going to be tested in these extreem drivers. Let's not bullshit this.

    When we do hear issues, it is simply because people are on the internet firing out about it. And who will be firing off about it, but the person that learned about it on the internet... Not the "goin to the store and buying a W7 just 'cause I heard it" crowd, who has never heard of Us, CAF, SIn, Carsound, etc. Now, who do you think is really buying the W7 (the typical consumer I mean) and who is buying a Brahma (for arguements sake)? Hmmm, so which failure do you think we are going to hear about? I assure you that the actual failure rate is well below an acceptable 3%. If it were above that, Adire would be taking a hit to the point of it being more cost concious to go with Eminance rather than to stick with Destijl.

    I know that is a bit outside the realm of our Onyx debate, but it seems to me like the QC at Destijl is taking center stage. I just wanted to clarify what I see as issues that are being ignored, or simply overlooked.

    MUSTATANG... I wanted to bold that so you would see what I was going to say here, simply to hopefully put to rest any fears you may have of the Adire/Destijl drivers... I have been an owner of a first series Brahma, one of the very first drivers made. I bought the woofer before I was a dealer, so it was a production driver, and I payed full price for it. Over the past 2 years I have totally abused the driver... 1700 watts in various ported and sealed alignments. The only failure I had was MY fault. I unloaded the driver and snapped the tinsel. It was not burned, just shiny. My bad, and I fixed it. Same driver, 1700 watts for 2 years. QC issues? Nope, not in my book.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    seth what about the NON Glue Issues Geo had, and the NON Gluse Issues ED had with them?
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    On Chris' subs I cannot comment. I have some opinions, but they are simply conjecture and I do not want to put them in public. I am not saying they are BAs issues, so don't misunderstand that.. However, I don't feel discussing my opinion in public is prudent at this point.

    Ed... what issues were not glue related? All of the issues I was aware of were glue related.
  5. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    Hey Sandt,

    I wish that SIN was up right now so I could do a seach and post some links, but ED has many more problems then just glue problems.

    When ED was going through the worst of it on the Old K series and SP I was on AIM with Travis and Ben nearly every night.

    Specifically, K drivers where sent back for multiple reasons (production runs didn't match proto-type killing performance xmax and Q values vaired greatly, dented and sometimes bent baskets, magnets not glued together smoothly) those are most of the ones that were sent back to destijl before reaching the customers. Once many of the drivers actually got to the public then the glue problems came up. So you can imagine the frustration.

    Now with the SP Destijl and Ed went back and forth concerning whether or not the design was ok. The SP designed by Warbleed (Kurt) over at CAF was insisted upon by Ben. Needless to say those drivers although built well had over 60% failure rates initially.

    Non QC issues Destijl made many promises they did not keep and lied through their teeth many times. But that is another story all together.

    Concerning the Brahma. I know that most of the drivers have been fine, but when you do look at many of the forums Brahma comes up the most for slap issues and other issues. I don't know why, but Brahma problems do come up much much more. Maybe a lot more of them or sold and the forums just give the newbies a place to rant. I don't really know.

    Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Adire fan. My entire HT setup is Adire 5.1 speakers. I also took a trip out to Seattle and met with Dan and Justin W in the new place. Just to see how they did things before I made an investment. Adire has proven themselves to be reliable in my book.

  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Funny, my good friend had one with a bent basket and they told him that he dropped it :rolleyes: . Funny, a dropped cast basket, bending. Hmmm.

    I was not aware that Ed was having so many issues. The only ones I really heard of were the spiders coming unglued, surrounds doing the same, and I believe a motor falling off. All were glue issues. However, as I said, I was not aware of the other issues, and beg forgiveness for incorrect information.

    yeah, Adire HT gear is badass ;).
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    That's OK, I'm going to give you a call tonight, to ask you a question about my Civic anyway, you can conject away at me then! :D

    Ed... what issues were not glue related? All of the issues I was aware of were glue related.
    Glue issues? You want to see some glue issues:

    video of some glue issues with one of our prototypes

    just kidding... I was just having fun with that woofer with a razor knife and a wall socket... :gunsmilie:
    No one has stepped up to challange me yet in a cone-hopping competition...
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    hey geo, I have a few Pyle Subs In my Garage, I may have to have some fun on my next day off
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    cool, gimme till ~9:00/9:15. I am just getting ready to put my son down and read to him...
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    cool, gimme till ~9:00/9:15. I am just getting ready to put my son down and read to him... [/b][/quote]
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so sweet :lmfao:
  11. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    know what you should do with them....

    send them out to spl guys like on the CAF thread
    and see what they can do with them

    if they burn it out - who cares? ya got more where
    that came from, right?

  12. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    That's the one I was concerned with. Do you still have that specific prototype? I don't know what your relationship is like with Dan, but I'm curious on how it would measure on his machine. You can think of it as a second opinion. I figure it wouldn't be worth the cost to check it in the Kippel machine.
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    cool, gimme till ~9:00/9:15. I am just getting ready to put my son down and read to him... [/b][/quote]
    Hehehe, I told you my battery was weak. I got no warning, just dead... But it is late. I'll holler at you tomorrow ;).
  14. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hehehe, I told you my battery was weak. I got no warning, just dead... But it is late. I'll holler at you tomorrow ;). [/b][/quote]
    yep, that's cool, I figured B)
    My wife was bugging at me that she couldn't sleep anyway with me yapping downstairs... :p

    You should jump on CAF chat sometimes, it can be an amusing time, a quieter way to chat. ;)
  15. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    That's the one I was concerned with. Do you still have that specific prototype? I don't know what your relationship is like with Dan, but I'm curious on how it would measure on his machine. You can think of it as a second opinion. I figure it wouldn't be worth the cost to check it in the Kippel machine. [/b][/quote]
    I do have one of them (two were measured, both showing the same thing... sort of an internal second opinion in a way), but I don't think sending them for Klippel would be necessary, we know there was an issue with them - and as DLC helped DUMAX Adire's original prototypes, they had seen the same symptoms in XBL2 development, it was very familiar to them. B)
  16. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    going back to the glue vs not glue issue....

    weren't there some damaged and corroded motors in those k series drivers from ed, that came from destijl?
  17. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    Fuck destijl. They built the revolution shitty as hell.

    The design is amazing, whoever designed it, but the build quality is complete


    It sounds good, when it works. And Im not getting any response back from

    my CC company about it, and Kirk is once again not emailing me back.

    Not to mention RE didn't have the nicest things to say to me when I emailed

    them about it.

  18. logictrip

    logictrip Full Member

    That's the perfect quote for Pyle!

    "There's more where that came from!"

  19. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    How about this one;

    "Shit, sometimes you step in it, other times it falls on your head... Pyle, we aim for your head!!!"
  20. logictrip

    logictrip Full Member


    How about this one;

    "Shit, sometimes you step in it, other times it falls on your head... Pyle, we aim for your head!!!" [/b][/quote]
    lmao, that's precious! :lmfao: