Very bad news with ambiguously beneficial results

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Haha.. that is funny!

    Take this with the grain of salt you usually have to give me when I am talking about dealing with typical (in my experiences) shop employees.. I'm a tad biased...

    But was that confident (or was it cocky? ;)) statement of "Oh yeah, OBVIOUSLY one of your subs is blown, and I CAN TELL - the other one is on it's way too!"
    followed by a statement like
    ..."but don't worry, I've got a couple subs here that will actually only be on sale for another couple days.. but they will be much better than those subs!"


    God, I'd almost put money on it... :lol: [/b][/quote]
    no actually you are very wrong. Over the months I became pretty aquainted with the installer, he even told me he would redo the subs for free and is helping me out with alot of other stuff.

    The first thing he told me is that if I wanted to save my old box, the best bet would go with Kicker L5s b/c they use the same size box and even told me he would make square holes for me for free.

    He gave me his honest opinion about the subs b/c he didnt want me to get stuck with them when he believed that there was something wrong.

    The only thing he said along those lines is that he reccomended I step up to JL and leave Kicker behind. He said nothing about getting anything from the store :)
  2. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member


    Geo, you crack me up

    Anyway, I have talked with him over AIM, and here is what I figure

    1> they are not blown, and the Instaaller is Full of Shit

    2> they are3 blown but due to a install error by the same installer

    Here is why

    where the way Civic has descfribed it they WERE wire correctlu i.e series/parrallel so that would yeild a 4ohm mono load

    however the isntaller was not using the sub out on the Head unit instead he is using on of the other preouts, now this in itself is not alarming but the reason is

    because accourding to this installer is "sounded funny" or "sounded bad" or somehting to that effect when on the sub out, and the installer blamed it on the amp, a cadence Z9000, this leaves me to belive that the installer has something either set wrong on the headunit, or Set wrong on the amp or BOTH, and this could be what cases the speaker to go bad if they are really blown

    I should have them monday, then I will get out the old DMM, and run soem tests, and Put them in a Box (providing the Dmm Tests come out Fine) and Hook them up to Old faithful, my 1200 Audiobahn amp, and see what damage they do :D

    We will all know in a few days if this installer is Full of BS, or what [/b][/quote]
    Im curious too...........

    Anyways, Can you gimme a list of the lines you will be selling so I know what choices I have when it comes time to getting new subs?

    Also, I would like to say that CAF has gotten awful! I posted 3 questions lately and not one has been answered thouroughly.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    everything I use to sell I still sell

    ohh and if you want JL I can still get them too :D but only have a 90day warranty.....

    some of the Subs I would Suggest besinds the Kickers

    Orion P series
    JL w3v2
    HSL eXcursions
    Dayton Audio DVC Series (good mainly for Ported boxes though)
    Dayton Audio DSQ's
    (dayton Audio can be viewed at parts express, I have a wholesale account with them)

    HiFonics Zues or Warrior,

    Hell this list can get very long
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike I was also thinking about the much would you be able to sell them for? Dont know if I want to go 10 or 12 yet......

    What do you guys suggest I get outta that list........remember I love subs with good sq and I want that chest pounding pops from the subs.

    LOL.......I cant stop talking about those damn pops :lol:

    Edit: Would I be able to fit the JL 12's be able to handle a continous 400w's? The JL web site says they reccomend 300w

    Why is the Xmax of the 10" bigger than the 12"? Does that mean that the 10's are better?

    Finally, the reccomended box size is .6-.9.......I have a 1.0 cu ft box, will that be alright?
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I think he has some of the old W6 and W3 as well still instock
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    All I need is the prices for all of them.......hehe

    Ill talk to you on AIM B)
  7. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    no "burrr" all "pop"

    sound like someone who goes to AA...
  8. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Any results on the subs Mike?
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not here yet, should come tommorw according to package traking
  10. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Any results on the subs Mike? :D :p
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well I went out looking a trucks today (my day off0 and ended up over at a freinds helping him repaint his car, so I am just now getting home (11pm :D )

    but I did take a second to do a few prelim tests

    VC check out fine, Running them right now free air off my home stereo, not giveing them too much power for obious reasons, but I dont see anything thing out of the norm...

    Tomorrow I am going to Modify a dual 12 box I have with a new Face to hold the 2 10's and then remove my 3 12s and run first 400w's to them, then I will re wire them to 1 ohm and slowy adj the gains on my 1300w beast till I feel they can not take anymore, and see if I hear any "rattling" or distortion

    but currently I feel the amp is being overgriven in to clipping leading to your problems
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    ohh and next time pack some CURRENT newpapers in there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Those papers were like 3 days old!
    You are lucky I decided not to pack it with bagel boxes! :lol:

    I remember the subs fucking up at higher volumes so clipping may be an issue
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well I still have not installed them in a box, I may not get to that today

    but I have just been pushing them to their mechanical limits in my house free air,

    I see nothing mechanically or electically wrong with the subs

    I have played 19Hz to 75Hz test tones FREEE AIR making the cone want to JUMP right out of the basket, and until my home amp (kenwood 600w) starts to clip and product audile distorition (about -10 on the dial) I hear nothing wrong,

    lol I have it sitting here playing a 30hz wave right now it is just a bouncing lol
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    now we need to figure out where to go from here

    since the subs are not blown, we need to find the source of your problem

    be it a bad box, box to big, box too small, bot not sealed

    be it, imporperly set amp


    or maybe it is just the fact they are 10's. O have never liked the why 10's sound, dont go low enough for me..

    maybe you should try some 12's????

    let me know what you want to do, I am sure I can off load these here in town if you dont want them back so that is not a problem

    but you need to sign up for a account at the store before I can do anything
  16. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike I just registered!

    As far as the box goes, I would say that the size is right.

    Not even one sub is popping? I think it may be the amp you are right. What should I do about that?

    Ill go back to my installer and tell him everything that happened.

    I want to go with some JL 10w3v2s or the 12's.......please get me the prices.

    (Im Boris under the registered thingy) :p
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    lol you just have no luck at all, all 3 of my guys are back order with everything JL, which more or less means JL cut them off, JL has a nasty habit of not telling dealers they are cut off, they just stopp shipping to them :rolleyes:

    nice huh???
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    hey I have some Purple Pyle Subs here, I will send them too you even exchange :lol:
  19. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member


    I really do have no luck at all, at all!

    I talked to the installer and he told me if clipping is the problem then he will have to fix that once my new subs come in.

    Did you do the other tests, what were the results?

    I really would like those W3's, are you saying that all 3 of your suppliers will never have them at all, or just that the backorder is really long?
  20. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I believe he's saying that there's a good chance they'll never have them at all, but technically they're just backordered right now.

    I don't see how clipping is going to make the sub sound THAT bad. I mean, if the gains were cranked way up, then sure, the subs could just be bottoming out.

    Sounds pretty odd.