Hmmmm. I never finished college and I do fairly well. I will disagree with this statement. Most careers that people go to college for are up and coming, and rarely stay the same. Many come and go, leaving a college grad to fend for themselves when they become obselete. As a tradesman and a craftsman, I learn on the job every day, and make a nice wage at that. Will I ever become obsolete? No, in fact as vehicles progress I will become more valuable. Rarely, if ever, will you find a shop owner who will hire fresh out of college, it is experiance prefered. I think the same goes for construction, plumming, and the other trades that we depend on with our nation growing at the rate it is. A trade also works itself out in trade... I need a plummer? I'll fix his cars in trade for him running me new pipes. I can do sidework as well to supplement my income and help others out. It's all in the way you look at it.[/b][/quote] hey seth, reread my post. I left the part i feel you must not have caught. But honestly, i feel you gotta be out of your mind to think a college degree means nothing. Seth, even though you didnt go to college, i've talked to you on many occasions and you told me you had class that night. Thus, even tradesmen and craftsmen need a little extra education to proceed with their trades. Now, some think that once they get their degree, thats it, no more school. I dont think that way. Seth is right, jobs dont stay the same. New technology hits us everyday, and companies have different needs, so if you want to remain marketable and needed in your job, you gotta learn more shit, or you'll fall behind. Is a college degree comepletely necessary? No, i never said it was. Mike, if you feel a college degree dont mean shit, then go right ahead and think that way. But seth is doing well in his life given that he knows how to do shit. He's a mechanic, and his job is pretty secure IMO. He's needed by somebody everyday. Are you mike? If not, you need an education wether it be going to a tech school and learning a trade, or going to a university and getting a degree (that dont mean shit), either way, you gotta have some know how to do something usefull. Thats My opinion of course. This post isnt meant to talk down on anybody, im a poor kid tryin to struggle through college, who can i talk down on? Dont have shit nor am i guaranteed to have shit.
hey seth, reread my post. I left the part i feel you must not have caught. But honestly, i feel you gotta be out of your mind to think a college degree means nothing. Seth, even though you didnt go to college, i've talked to you on many occasions and you told me you had class that night. Thus, even tradesmen and craftsmen need a little extra education to proceed with their trades. Now, some think that once they get their degree, thats it, no more school. I dont think that way. Seth is right, jobs dont stay the same. New technology hits us everyday, and companies have different needs, so if you want to remain marketable and needed in your job, you gotta learn more shit, or you'll fall behind. Is a college degree comepletely necessary? No, i never said it was. Mike, if you feel a college degree dont mean shit, then go right ahead and think that way. But seth is doing well in his life given that he knows how to do shit. He's a mechanic, and his job is pretty secure IMO. He's needed by somebody everyday. Are you mike? If not, you need an education wether it be going to a tech school and learning a trade, or going to a university and getting a degree (that dont mean shit), either way, you gotta have some know how to do something usefull. Thats My opinion of course. This post isnt meant to talk down on anybody, im a poor kid tryin to struggle through college, who can i talk down on? Dont have shit nor am i guaranteed to have shit.[/b][/quote] I dont thimk either me or seth say collage is unimportant, if i had things to do all over again I probally would choose a differant path for myself, BUT, I hate seeing kids that think they are going to get that degree and everthing will be perfect for the rest of there lifes that degree only gets you so far, and sometimes not at all what is a "hot" market today my not be in 4 years and you will find yourself with a degree that is basically worthless again if you going to collage , good for you, me that is not a option right now, for any school, I dont have the money, and not eligable for aid of any kind that was the reason I did not go before, no money, and not enough aid, and I guess I over stated in the "dont mean shit" statment I meant by that is in alot of Jobs the degree is meaningless, as on the job real life training is the most important part Reading about a job, is not the same as DOING that job Last edited by Michael at Oct 10 2002, 01:26 PM
I dont thimk either me or seth say collage is unimportant, if i had things to do all over again I probally would choose a differant path for myself, BUT, I hate seeing kids that think they are going to get that degree and everthing will be perfect for the rest of there lifes that degree only gets you so far, and sometimes not at all what is a "hot" market today my not be in 4 years and you will find yourself with a degree that is basically worthless again if you going to collage , good for you, me that is not a option right now, for any school, I dont have the money, and not eligable for aid of any kind that was the reason I did not go before, no money, and not enough aid, and I guess I over stated in the "dont mean shit" statment I meant by that is in alot of Jobs the degree is meaningless, as on the job real life training is the most important part Reading about a job, is not the same as DOING that job[/b][/quote] See, i thought you literally meant a degree isnt worth shit. Excuse me for that. Now we're getting to an understanding. Real world experiance is more important i do agree.
well whenever i go over to friends' houses that are rich...and i do mean RICH...i see what college can help you earn. and hell, its a few years of school, which IMO is more fun than work.