Tight Space For Tight Bass

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by DatDude08, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    well those eDi comps are $40 and the amp $80...
  2. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    I now present to you the jumbled mess which is my mind:

    So I've had my amp up for sale or trade for a while. A guy has been nibbling on it and offered a trade for it tonight. He has 4 e3.6 D4s he is willing to trade for my amp. I have to make sure I can get everything to fit before I pull the trigger, but should I even pull the trigger? I have a job but won't get paid for a couple of weeks and I know my front stage is weak and I'd have to get another amp, but would the trade off be equal? Is there a 4 channel amp out there that can push these 4 subs (around 100 RMS apiece would be fine) and push a set of comps that won't break the bank and will fit under the front seats or might it be better to get separate amps?
  3. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Ok so we made a deal for 2 of the subs and cash for my amp. I think I still want to eventually go with 4 in a sealed box approx 1.0 cu. ft., what do you guys think about that? Too small maybe?
  4. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    So I think I'm going to be getting this project on here fairly soon. Just need some final thoughts on equipment.

    What I have:
    (2) eD 3.6s

    What I propose getting:
    PowerBass L-60CX Comps
    JBL GTO607C Comps
    PowerBass ASA400.4X Amp

    Which comps do ya'll think would be better?
  5. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I have those JBLs and I like em. Never heard the PBs but midbass in the JBLs are good and overall they do sound good.
  6. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    it's ironic your both fighting over jl's quality. but JL is a hybrid designed woofer, meant to provide the mellow lows, and clean lows, as well as hard hitting notes. it's really not a true SQ sub :| it's just a hard hitting sub that has good sq lol

    anyways i've seen alot of guys around here happy with element stuff, and i see alota guys on other forums with them too. they make great stuff for the money they charge.

    for your comps...i'd go with JBL, they have the best tweeters i've heard, and they're 2 ohm set's are better than the infinity 2 ohm sets IMO< as well as better designed. plus JBL is just pimp... ;) i'm rocking some 608 gt MKII's in my rear set and they produce great highs, crystal clear. and they take a beating.
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Well JBL it is. Ordered everything and anxiously awaiting to get this project under way.
  8. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    yeah the best part of online buying..pricing..werst part...THE WAIT!!! :( but those jbl's won't let ya down!
  9. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    that is very true. if shops were reasonable around here i would do business with them, but so far every shop has been fairly biased towards pushing a product and outrageously priced. i still have some planning to do with the wait so it's all good haha.
  10. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Thats how shops are around here too. Its funny because 3/4 of them dont know what they are talking about.
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    too bad that happens all to often.

    had one owner tell me a line driver is useless, and thats why you crank the gains. lol. :eek:

    i have 2 or 3 teammates that own shops now. too bad they are all over 100 miles from me.
  12. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    It's like Christmas at my house. FedEx man came and then about 5 minutes later the UPS man showed up. I'll get pics of everything up soon.

    I have one question about mounting the comps. Should I mount them in the stock place (behind the door), on the door (where the JBL grille will show), or just make a baffle to get them as close to the original grille and mount in the stock location?
  13. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    i would mount them in the stock locations. that's just me though.
  14. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Yeah that's what I went with. I put the JBL grilles on but I think they are causing some interference with the door panel so tomorrow I'm going to take the grilles off and solidly mount the crossover.

    I am very pleased with how the comps sound off just the HU. I had to rethink the wiring on the amp (I originally wanted to rewire the door but decided that running wire through the rubber boot was going to be too much of a PITA), but I got it all figured out now, just gotta make time to wire everything to it and keep it hidden.
  15. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Dang! These JBLs really came to life with some power, I can keep my radio around 25/66 and hear everything. I have all the wiring and the amp hidden, will get some pics tomorrow for you guys. I still gotta build a box for the subs and I am still debating on what type of box. The age old question is ported or sealed? I have ~1ft^3 for the two e3.6s. I'm leaning more toward the side of SQ for this setup but I'd still like to show off some. Right now I'm thinking I may just build one of each and see which sees more playing time, thoughts? If ported what might you guys suggest as far as tuning?
  16. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I would try to build a t-line for em. If you don't have room... ported @ like 34-35
  17. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    I have no clue how to build a t-line, but i like a challenge. My dimensions are 32 x 6.5 x 12, where do I start?
  18. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    hahaha. I dont know ow to design them yet. I just had AZN design mine. lol sorry. ill see what i can find though.
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm ported or sealed. do both in one. 4th order bandpass,lol. their all the rage.