Suggestions for System in Classic Car

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Mieser, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Any suggestions on a 4 gauge amp wiring kit? Do you get what you pay for with them or would I be okay picking one of the cheaper ones up?
  2. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Knukonceptz is great, affordable wire. I've always used them and it is quality stuff.
  3. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Thank DatDude!

    Another question (and I apologize for my lack of knowledge): When I hook up the amp to the stereo unit will I be connecting just 2 of the RCA pre-outs from the stereo to the AMP1 Inputs on the Amp (see picture) and then just run my positive and negative speaker wires from the amp to the respective polarities on the 6x9's and then run my positive and negative speaker wires from the amp (marked + SUB -) to the respective polarities on the sub? Will I not have anything hooked up to the "SUB INPUT" on the amp?
  4. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Oops, forgot to attach the picture. Here it is.....

    Attached Files:

    • AMP.jpg
      File size:
      83.4 KB
  5. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Yet another question: Which way should I aim the subwoofer in the trunk? The sub will be positioned at the front of the trunk up against the back of the rear seat.
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    it looks as if that "sub in" can be summed from only having one input.
  7. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    You lost me Pedro.....not quite sure what your post means.
  8. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    I forgot to mention it before but you are going to need two sets of RCAs. On the back of the headunit you have 3 sets (front, rear, sub) run a set of RCAs from the "rear" pre-out to the "AMP1" input on the amp. Then rn the other set from the "sub" pre-out on the head unit to the "sub" input on the amp.

    As for wiring, on the 6x9s yes just wire them like you said, each respected polarity to the respective terminal. For the sub you are going to first wire the coils in parallel then wire it to the amp (i'll attach a pic). I'm glad you're asking questions, no point in acting like you know stuff to only ruin great equipment and we don't mind at helping at all.

  9. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    And I think Pedro meant you could get away with just running a single set of RCAs. You would just wire one end (say the red side) into the "rear" (red) output on the HU and the other (white side) into the "sub" output on the HU, then keep it true to the amp (red to red on the AMP1 input and white to white on the SUB input). If you do it that way you will lose control of rear fade from left to right. Just an option.
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    no. his amp can take just one input if it had to. there is a button on the amp that lets you select one input or two inputs. in case your head unit one had one out put.

    but if his head has front and sub he's ok. worst case scenario, if his amp wasn't able to sum the sub ch from the front input i would have told him to use a Y splitter to the sub in.
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  12. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Thanks guys, that helps a lot. However, if I'm not mistaken, my HU does not have a pre amp outs for the sub. I believe it has 4 pre amp outs, red and white for front and red and white for rear. How will I connect the pre amps if I do not have a sub out on the HU? Will I connect one set to the AMP1 inputs on the amp and the other set to the "SUB INPUT" on the amp or only connect one set to the "AMP1" on the amp and make sure I have AMP1 selected via the "SUB INPUT" button on the amp?
  13. jayz85

    jayz85 Full Member

    you can use the other set you arent using as the ones for the sub input.
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    yup. as long as its an input. the internal xover will turn it into a sub OUT.

    your good to go.

    i'd like to see how this turns out. pics when its installed please :)
  15. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Cool. Thanks for all the help and I'm sorry for all the questions I have but you guys have been very helpful. I ordered all the cables and wiring from Knukonceptz last night so I should be good to go once everything gets here. I will definitely post pictures and let you all know how it sounds once everything is complete.

    I do have a couple other questions:

    1.) Which way should I aim the sub (it will be mounted right behind the seats in the trunk)?

    2.) My head unit does not have a remote lead for the amp. Can I use the power antenna lead or will that only turn on the amp when I select the radio function on the unit?

    Thanks again!
  16. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Its kinda difficult to say which way to aim the sub but generally towards the rear is how you want it. The thought is it gives the sound waves more area to build and then they reflect back through the space louder than when they left. Of course rattle can kill sound and no car is perfect. I will say though that if you should build the box where there is enough room (several inches at least) above and/or beside the box for sound waves to travel back through.

    For the remote you can just run a little jumper cable from the remote on the amp to the power terminal on the amp. I had a friend who did this and it worked fine for him. If I'm wrong guys let me know cause I don't want somebody to fry their amp trying this.
  17. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    your wrong. the amp will stay on continuously with no way to power it off.

    if your amp doesnt have a remote out you can wire a turn on lead to a switch and power the amp on that way. i would how ever use a power source that only has power when the key is on, so if you forget to turn it off it will power itself down.
  18. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Well, I finally got the sub enclosure done. Due to it's odd shape, it wasn't the easiest thing to cover with carpet but I think it turned out pretty good for my first attempt at an enclosure. I also put together a basic platform for the amp to sit on. Nothing is hooked up yet but here are a few pics.

    Attached Files:

  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    looks great!. you may want to think about covering the rear of the 6x9's with something to seal them up.

    the air pressure from the sub can and will make them over excurt (*sp).
  20. Mieser

    Mieser Full Member

    Thanks Pedro. I would like to box the backsides of the 6x9's but there are two rods for the trunk lid hardware that are real close to the speakers. I do need to figure something out for them though.

    I do have another question on my amp regarding the crossover. Will I turn the crossover to Hi or leave it off? I guess I just don't understand the crossover concept real well. If I do turn it on where do I set my frequency for both the AMP1 and SUB?
