I posted their assessments without saying it was them just to see what others would say. I don't think the ED jock riders have much to say about those two assessments. Ben defintely blew those assessments off in a big way. What I don't understand is why Ben didn't take pictures that were as close to actual color as possible? Is his camera set permanently on KKK white? But I digress. I also like his additional comments: "If you'd like to take a closer look please feel free to stop by the shop. We were going to use these as display models as a 'what happens' sort of thing..." Yeah, I''ll swing by first thing tomorrow. Let me book an airline ticket.
Yea, hey maybe we can go show up for the cross-burning, eH? *heh* I'd LOVE to just go swing on by and handout a coupld of sackslaps around that entire joint as a matter of fact, perhaps I'll just drop in on my way home tomorrow? bah, I really didn't expect much of anything. it's all good, I'll just have to find somewhere else... Kindof exciting realy when I look at the possibilities.
That was my own personal impression. I think the overall PR would have been better, if publicly ED said "Hey, you know what... as far as we can tell, this isn't a defect. In fact, based on the fact that both drivers blew, it seems even more highly unlikely. But on the other hand, you seem to have gone to great lengths to have tried to have them professionally installed and set up. Even though we don't believe we are at fault here, just this one time, we'll recone them for you and send them back. But if this becomes a repeat problem, we can't help but conclude that it's something more related to your install - and I'm sure at that point you'd feel the same way. So - we'll recone them, and please be careful!" Could have led to fewer preorder cancellations, I truly believe.
At this point, I'm just going to say that I don't know a thing about eD's older drivers or their new ones. But I do know that eD will NEVER be able to call me a customer, based on all the stories I've heard. Even if only half of them are true, the complete and utter lack of professionalism displayed by the PRESIDENT of the company is shocking. I remember a couple months ago on the Polk forum there was a conversation with honest questions about eD's stuff, then a bunch of eD followers came over and completely hijacked the thread with mindless babble. Then Ben came over and approved of all the crap they said. At that point, any hope of me being one of his customers vanished. Unless something really incredible happens with eD's customer service, one can only conclude that they are quickly going to find themselves with nothing. Just thought I'd share... :love:
Well anyone who goes there, TRYING to be objective, quickly learns how it is. Theres NO objectivity, just pure eD circle-jerking. I'd call it herd mentality, but thats the same difference. And i still have'nt recieved my refund. How long does snail mail take from Iowa to New York? I'd approximate three days. <_<
You are right sir. But there were quite a few of the then ED'ites getting involved. But nonetheless I should have worded it a bit more carefully.
You might want to email them and ask them what's up. Maybe there is a paper shortage in china too. :lmfao: Sorry, couldn't resist.
it's funny how the eD Live support system is always "OFFLINE" during business hours... wasting phone calls long distance rather sucks... because i know i'll just hear some more candy-coated bullshit. i know the bank manager isn't going to be too thrilled with this whole situation, should i have to sit him down and waste his valuable time, explaining this story to him... how my bank check has gone *poof*. He does'nt like when people screw with his customers, especially when they don't just hold multiple accounts there, but also investments including a 401K. Banks tend to protect and cater to those people. on the other hand, the USPS Postmaster General does not usually like to hear about bank checks mailed to Iowa on the premise of items delivered July 1st, that never show up, either. Thats a federal investigation that i would not want to be on the other end of. Especially when the complaintant holds more than adequate documentation. local authorites, internet fraud reports, better business bureau, all things which i really have nothing better to do, than send lovely letters to. Maybe a friend of Ben's should drop a hint or two. I won't be using any lube.
Eh, I'll give that to him. It is logical and not too far out of line IMHO... hopefully they are more timely with their refunds then their pre-orders though :lmfao:
well Legally, refunds need to be issued as soon as they are requested.. if he cant take 2 secs to write a check, that should tell you something