With Geolemon... even if there were a years worth of delays... i'd at least feel 100% confident that i'd be taken care of with good products. And if they should fail, or even if I BLEW THEM UP... i know i'd get good honest service, and not bent over a desk for the price of a recone! eD's pre-order delays is NOT what swayed me to cancel, believe me! The problem is, i am no longer confident, at all, that anything from eD will be worth the money, as cheap as it may be percieved. I don't care about waiting... i DO care about how i see good people treated badly. And i still believe that those pictures shown were "fabrications". If you guys can understand my reasoning here, you'll see why i'll never go near eD shit. If i was a senior member in your community, if i placed numerous orders from you, referred countless people to you, waited months for your products, and had an (let's just say) accident.... Yeah, honestly, while it *might* be my fault, i'd kinda hope you'd help me out on it anyways. For a company of any size... it's really not that much when you consider there is no advertising worth more than what i'd give you! But now, they offer 20% to anyone who does'nt cancel, a week into the aftermath.... instead of just doing the right thing by Poseur. w. t. f. ?
BA will have no preorder, but their pricing will be so amazing you woln't need to worry about discounts. That is one of the things I find refreshing. BA is getting all their ducks in a row. There will be no orders before the units are built and ready to fly. They have the capital in hand and are using it to get this thing rolling. No promises that may fall through, no delays due to overseas steel shortages, no bullshit. When you look at my website one day you will magically see Better Audio IN STOCK NOW!!!! And at prices so amazing I am still trying to convince Chris he needs to raise them a bit
just as Long as I get a discount Raise them to JL level {you know I am buying a car soon ner car == new system :lmfao: }
:lmfao: aww c'mon, let's be nice to Mike... i've never seen anyone get so much abuse, and still go back for more! i think Mikey likes it. the attention or something, i dunno!
Hey what do I care.. I speak what is on my mind, if it gets me in trouble, ohhhh wellllllll Life Sucks then you die :lol:
I will remember that when i go to Upgrade your web site how much did you pay me again???? :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
Thank you for finally doing so - you two seem to be the only ones who shed some light on the damage done to those mids. From the get-go, I was very skeptical that those mids were damaged by abuse. It's like some rabid Pitt bull got a hole of them.
hmm, i haven't been around, and i don't really get into these topics anymore. i saw the pics and read bits and peices. could be user error, could be defect. it's hard to tell from a few pics. imho, i think the drivers should be warrantied with a slap on the wrist. thats all i really have on the matter.
Have you guys been reading the ed thread over at CAF? It gets worse and worse over there everyday. I think half of them guys better move over to icix. Everyday I find myself over there less and less, and over here more and more. HMMM, Imagine that. I think CAF should be changed to Car Audio for Fourth graders. It would fit the bill much better. Don't get me wrong there are still alot of knowledgeable people that hang out there and give out alot of great info. But sometimes all the bullshits just too much.
You know... in Canada the prices will still be quite high no matter what.... Hmm... do they have a Canadian distributor? Maybe I could do that....
Werd. Actually, i find it hard to comprehend why smart people do hang out there. All they do is get abused, and subjected to, as you said, 4th grade material. Although, i think 4th grade is being pretty generous.
I don't even fuck around over there anymore. I actually know what a sub is and what head unit has the coolest buttons, so it's pointless to really spend time there. It is pretty amazing to see some "lurkers" with a dozen posts reply to others like he was Dr. Audio and everyone else is a moron. That's when I throw in the towel.
*L* so someone posted over in ICIX ben's reply "oh, no our camera is set to whites, you can't see it, but it really is discolored"
I just realized how vague that post above was, They just posted the analysis from over on splbassx.com by sandt and geolemon. Ben prettymuch blew it off. suprise suprise.