oops, wow somehow I was on the wrong page *L* sorry guys, glad you've come to the decision you did, let us know about that check. and don't take and shit about it.
Poseur, Due to the path that this thread has taken, and it's length, I have chosen to move your post so it may thrive on it's own merrit, and it will not get overlooked. This is pretty important when you consider how quickly this thread is moving.
Oh, I dont know how I forgot to suggest it....one of my favorite subs....the IDQ is around the same price as well. You could get sounddomain to pricematch carmedia1.com to get it authorized for $120ish plus shipping. To be honest I dont know how it stacks up to the Shiva because I have never heard a Shiva but the IDQ is one of the nicest sounding subs I have heard. Just trying to throw more option your way.
Hey, thanks, yea I was thinking after I posted that that should have went on it's own... I posted this on another forum, but here's more stuff for ppl here as well pertinant to the topic at hand: I'd just like to update you guys that myself and now 3 other local professionals are 100% positive that my amp setup as it is is only capable of putting out just shy of 22v, no distortion or clipping has been detected, and I'm currently pushing a set od infinity refrence 6x8's that were donated to me while I get thigns sorted out with this same setup and have had precisely NO issues with them Even when I thit them with that infamous tracy chapman track and unleash the all of sub-80w we figure the eDi's were seeing at the time of the incident. There is NO dc signal present or whatever other act of god it is that the guys at the ed board are claiming to have done the damage (if, jsut if bychance i'm not lying)
Seth and Fugyaself, thanks guys! I'm looking at your suggestions and will present the options for Geolemon's advice. He's heard most if not all of this stuff... i have not. His experience and knowledge is invaluable to me. Therefore, i'll do what he suggests, for best results. Poseur, i don't doubt you. I don't think anyone here does, at all. One thing is for certain and pretty much universally agreed upon, everywhere BUT at ICIX... and that is you were treated badly. Fault aside, you were simply treated badly. I don't want to be done like that, so i'm out. Good luck to the sheep, they'll probably need it.
Well, they didn't flame me or anything, mainly because I have a VERY valid point. There is such a thing as good business practice and I don't think they adherred to such in Poseur's case. Jeremy said that if they replaced Poseur's mids, then they'd have to replace them all. Yet Ben mentioned previousloy that they had very few mids or comp sets returned. So it's not like they have needed to replace dozens of sets. I think they blew a golden opportunity to get some good press, as well as retain some customers. And Lord knows they need some good press right about now. On every forum I visit, someone has something negative to say about eD - you can't tell me that all these people are just "eD haters" looking to cause trouble. Overall, I don't think eD has very good business sense in general and I am willing to bet that MANY people see this, especially people like me who have a brain and money to spend.
okay, so I've made my final ICIX post, they've decided I'ma moron and I honestly expected that, for anyone curious to see the reaction it is here: http://www.icixsound.com/vb/showthread.php?p=31323#post31323 If it matters to you, get there before the almighty ben decided it makes him look bad and removes it as well. I for one amd done with that place. I'm not gonna allow myself to go there anymore, it's just driving me batty. Thatsaid I'll likely drop in every now and again to stir things up but hey that's what I've vowed to do I have to stay true to my word.
you will get no where posting on a COMPANY OWNED forum Ben designed it that that way, Ben owns the name, Ben Controls the Forum, Ben Pays the Hosting.. See a trend????? I was going to post there, but No......
I made what I thought were very valid points and people there dismissed them like I was a total moron. But then again I am not in their little circle jerk. For Christ sake, someone actually said eD does not lose any money when people cancel pre-orders!! Um, yeah they do! I can't argue with ignorance like that.
No question Tex, you were quite objective. That's what i meant above... some of the things these children are spouting off... even the eD reps... is beyond belief, even for me... and i did'nt just get teh Intarweb yesterday. Like i said, "sheep" and "fanboy". Theres just no way around it.
The last thing I would say about eD from my limited knowledge about them is that they "excel" in customer service, as some of their fans claimed. I guess if I sucked a company's dick like that, then I'd say some pretty crazy shit too.
You talking to me there gonz? Ifso, thankyou, I tried to make it as clear and consice as possible. especially seeing where It was being posted. thatsaid, I don't even know why I bothered posting, just figured I'd go out on a fairly solid note. Kinda nice that they've really yet to manage to pick it apart atleast they've resorted to arguing over wether or not 10 cancelled preorders REALLY does mean I've hurt their business *LMAO* I wonder if these people realize that noone who's going to throw int he towel on such a company apart fomr myself and possibly a few bold others is really ballsy enough to subject themselves to the constant heckling that taking a stand in that place will buy you. Thankyou gonz and all others who have informed me of your changed plans, it really does make this all seem worth it to me.
They are mearly followers. Not one of them will ever have the ability to lead except Ben. There is absolutely NO WAY that any company or their products can be perfect. If you have read my reviews about the Adire products I own ( and I own/owned and have reviewed alot of them) every one of them has negatives included. Why? There is no such thing as the "perfect" anything. Everything is a compromise, but you must make the compromises disapear when the end result is right there in your face. That is not so much the fact that the unit is perfect, it is more a function of the goods outweigh the bads. There comes a time when failure rates and customer's dissatisfactions become a representation of the overall quality of the product. Be it from a poor design standpoint, lack of quality materials, or poor construction, something must be wrong. When you have gone through several buildhouses it becomes difficult to establish that it is always the buildhouse's fault. When you have gone through more designers than buildhouses (some of which are very well respected and have argued their designs were not quite the unit that was delivered as a final product... in the interest of saving a few bucks on construction0 it becomes tough to blame it on the designers. When all the people you have blamed it on have said that you are using lesser parts or cost cutting measures to improve profit margins or going against suggested parts simply to save cost with no consideration for the end user getting a part destined to fail it becomes awful hard to place the blame on others... it must fall squarly in the lap of the man with the financial plan... Ben. Oh wait, now that we have no buildhouses left to shred without putting ourselves out of the market since we have insulted all the other buildhouses in the fucking world, we can still blame the end user... So yes, it is all your fault, end user. Even though you have installed some $40 speakers and changed nothing of the design or install that blew ours from overpowering, it is your fault... Hiring a stupid ass installer with pimples and braces to do the job of a man!!! You are to blame!!! I first spoke to Ben about 4 years ago, when eD was in it's infancy. I mentioned his poor professional attitude, and insulting nature towards a customer then. He proceeded to atempt to discredit me, and insult my intelligence. His friends, the siN followers all climbed aboard that ship too. Funny, now they are singing the same song I sung so many posts ago. They are confirming the information I have been spreading for years about failures, poor quality, poor CS, and a money hungry SOB intent on screwing even his best friends for a green picture of a dead president on a tiny piece of paper. Information I recieved from industry insiders, far above and beyond the scope of the connections anyone else here knows about. eD insiders, buildhouse insiders, and rival companies are all willing to give a guy like me, who isn't afraid to open his mouth, and typically choses to do it with intelligence and proof to back it up, information about the guy that screwed them. Funny how it has all begun to come back isn't it? Amazing how the first impression was so dead nuts on. So many of those guys are just like poor poseur here... they will get screwed, or have already been screwed but expect it will be made up to them, by Ben. These poor guys will find themselves in the same situation, being told the same thing that poseur is right now... likely by Ben and the people they considered friends. You wanna know where they will run? Poseur, we will lead you in the right direction. Weather it is through Adire, or Better Audio, of Pyle, or whatever the fuck works best for you we will help make it work for you. We may be Adire and BA biased here, and there is no BS about that, but we can see beyond the blinders, and we will offer you thoughts, opinions, and ideas from many manufacturers... But if you don't buy Adire, you are a moron and your posts will be edited/deleted, and you will be permanently banned. JK of course I still fail to see the massive thermal failure in those drivers. I see drivers that were ripped apart and coils that were pulled from the former with a pick or screwdriver. IMHO you are not the moron, those "lemmings" are. <--- For Chris' benefit
Ben-ites? That was a very interesting read Sandt38. I said over on another forum that, after all this, i'd feel better about buying/running Pyramid rather than eD. Funny you mentioned Pyle above... somehow i think you'd be doing better with either of those companies... they've been around a long time. I'm pretty certain eD won't be. Thanks for the insight above... I wish i would have read that, back around May 15th or so. You really are'nt the first person i have heard some of those bits from. Or myself having put 2+2 = some of those bits, like the buildhouse issue. Now theres "confidentiality agreements" LOL... but only on the subs, that is... the rest is all branded by someone else. I mean, CDT silkscreened on the crossover for example.
thankyou indeed, I'm just sorry taht I didn't come across words the likes of yours before hand, but it's jsut sooo easy to be blinded by ben's smooth-talking and more than anythign else the perception of a sweet deal. I'm indeed not a longtime member of this forum but I do stick my nose in (who couldn't with the previous eD debacle that startedout over here.) I do intend to stick around here and such, and hopefully I will, but at the moment I've been stretched thin on forums, etc, so please excuse, and do not feel insulted if I'm away for a bit, This is definately a worthwhile and informative place to be. I'm really getting excited about the adire thing as it's a place I can actually goto and visit (me being in wa) but yes, I'm all for objectivity at the moment, so we'll see where everything leads. Moreso than anything else this is just one of those "hardening" experiences for me. It's a tough world out there kids, you Might just get burned. I'm naieve and trusting. Which shouldn't be that bad of a thing to be, unfortunately, however it will sometimes spank you. In the end, I really don't feel too horrible about any of this. I've done my $80 or whatever worth of damage to them, and hopefully a good deal more, and the further this gets stretched out, and the more eD sheep that keep IMing me with nasty remarks the more fuel it adds to my fire. Perhaps I'm vindictive, but I was wronged in my book, and then insulted on top of that. SOmehow I've now got to find a way to get back to where I was. I don't have tons of cash floating around, so it'll likely be a long process, but atleast I'm all the more educated now.
Poseur, i do believe you made some kind of an impact. Anyone who has a pre-order, will now recieve 20% off their next order of eD product. I think the ship is sinking, and this is a last ditch effort to retain what pre-orders they can. http://www.icixsound.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2538
So will customers gets another, say, 40% off coupon when they are waiting around for the product they ordered using a 20% off coupon?