So, Is My Tsunami Subwoofer Kaputt?

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by TheSSG, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. TheSSG

    TheSSG Full Member

    See, but that's the thing; I don't care about my local shops losing the business. In fact, I'd like to see most of them go out of business.

    Yes, buying Grey market does cause job losses. But, at the same point, I'm not going to spend 2-3 times the price on a product so the sleazeball at my local shop can have a job.

    I have one local shop that is even remotely ok, and I do get things like wire from there. They don't carry any brands I like either.

    The other thing. I was looking for MB Quart Speakers. I went to my local authorized dealer. I inquired, and he said, 1. I couldn't hear them, as they DO carry them, but they have to be special ordered 2. "How's about these JL ___ instead!?!"
    So, Going to my local shop, over buying on the internet would have meant: 1. I still didn't get to hear them. 2. I'd have to pay at least twice as much 3. I had to have my choice in speakers belittled so this guy could get a better commission.

    So, I'm supposed to protect this guy's job?

    There are some things I prefer to buy specifically online. The selection is FAR greater, the prices are better, and information is readily available.
    Other things I would NEVER buy online.

    The advantages to buying from a Retailer is that you, generally, get better customer service, warranties, and you help keep jobs.
    The downsides can be poor customer service, poor selection, and higher prices.
    Am I forgetting anything? That's all I can think of.

    My real point is, sometimes it just isn't worth it to buy authorized. If a company/store I dislike is losing business, they may make drastic changes, and attract my business.

    I'm not going to fuel an inept and aggravating system. My money is like my ballot.
  2. Poseur

    Poseur Full Member

    *L* I think we've all got retard local shop experiences to share... I was offered a job at one out of town nto too long ago when I was listening to some JL's and a guy tried to push some Quarts on me. He kept telling me I needed to hear 'em so I had him stand right there next to me and back and fourted a couple tracks worth between some $250 VR's and some $1200 Quarts. In the end, he agreed with me that he liked the sound of the JL's better... the owner of the shop was watching and cameup and introduced himself.

    And I'm not saying that it's always imperative to keep local businesses going. IT's a big scary world, and they all need to learn to swim. It's just a shame when the real true good ones suffer. I'm not trying to step on any toes, but I think we all know what i'm talking about in the end. theplace you'd walk into after buying something off of the net and then feel embarassed to tell them that you'd already got the new amp elsewhere, and were actually in about something else.