Seth, got my comps pretty much installed

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by flawlesskid, Apr 12, 2003.

  1. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Well, i think we're all at agreement on most of this beside the fact that i should have gotten cadence. NO sir, i got what i wanted, and felt was the best for me. I'll take my PG tantrums over cadence everyday of the week. No disrespect to cadence, but i like my PG, always have, and never had a reason to go elsewhere. My amp failed early in its life due to the fact most likely that its refurbished. I'll have another in a couple weeks, and i'll be fine. Biamping will return to my setup, and incredible midbass will come along with it. Tweets wont be as bright, and the midwoofers will be much more defined and a lot stronger. I'll have a sub in, and i'll get to work on my install. Everything will be golden for me. Seth, i told you what to do with that damn brahma. Put it back the way you had it when you were running the CRAPENCE coaxials. With those koda's it'll prove to be a killer SQL setup. I promis this. Chris, give that damn w7 more power, and judging by what i heard from your front stage last time i heard it, you'll be golden also. Trifle, get a damn system!
  2. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Cool, bro. I haven't seen you in quite a while...

    and I keep telling him he needs to do something about that big spread in pointsources :rolleyes: ,
    Personally, I think my car is too bright right now, and subbass is lacking. I know you will like it much better, and I know cort likes the front stage better (but we both agree subbass is lacking). I'm just looking to line things up better, from an overall SQ comp standpoint. When all is said and done, I am going back to smooth highs, striking mids, and a boomer of an SQL sub. Back to where she came from... I'm just about SQL, sorry ;)[/b][/quote]
    According to Stephen Ponte, having your midwoofer in a kickpanel enclosure or down in the door and having your tweet up top on the dash as far as back as possible is mighty fine; as long as they are of somewhat equal pathlengths is what matters.
  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Yea, i agree with that to an extent. I believe you can still have a great soundstage with the tweet up high, because i've seen it done. If you really try to concentrate on hearing one side of the car, you will be able to hear separation. That's what irked Seth i believe.
  4. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member


    You don't need 2k watts on a pair of 10W7s for a sound quality system. You need about 200 watts per channel on your front speakers. I really enjoy the sound of Dynaudio Speaker Systems; they have an unbelievably smooth, rich, laid-back, mellow type sound that sounds wonderful on classical music and jazz.

    I would invest more money up front considering these speakers reproduce around 80 percent of the frequency range.[/b][/quote]
    Well Sir,

    First off, the 2000+ watts parts was just kinda a sarcastic thing (hence the smilie), since thats what Im running. You also don't need 200 watts to your front speakers in an SQ system either!

    Who were you refering to in that post? Me or the thread starter?
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I agree with stephen, but...

    You need to remember that it isn't just about sticking them on the dash at equal distances from the mid. While it can be done, a huge amount of processing needs to be done in order to eliminate the imaging anomolies created by multiple pointsources. If not done properly, auditory confusion will result. While it may not be apparent to most people, or bothersome to some who notice, to the purist it just will not fit. rather than dealing with these issues, I choose to keep my tweets foreward of the mid, on a straight axis from the driver, to the center of the mid cone, to the tweeter...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I like to focus my tweeter energy to correct stage. Midbass works very well where it is at now, but my stage hieght was an issue. I spent several hours on it, but it is good now. Currently, the drivers side tweet has altered it's angle from this shot, but the passenger side has not changed.

    Chris and cort, well cort especially since he heard it yesterday. The mid is now crossed at 55Hz and I dialed it in... STRONG is the word. I don't need a sub really, but I need to add the other deadener to the drivers door. It is rattleing like mad. I added a new layer to the passengers side in the fall, and I think it is ok, but the drivers door is rattleing like mad. Cort, you need to stop at the shop and hear it now that I dialed it in.
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Agreed. I have 100 to mine and it is perfect. I wouldn't add to or take away a watt.
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    here is a page, it involves pointsourcing and what needs to be done to correct for multiple pointsorces...

    and here is another on absolute phase and imaging...

    Geo is much better at putting things into words than I am, and I think these reads are a must.
  8. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Well Sir,

    First off, the 2000+ watts parts was just kinda a sarcastic thing (hence the smilie), since thats what Im running. You also don't need 200 watts to your front speakers in an SQ system either!

    Who were you refering to in that post? Me or the thread starter?[/b][/quote]

    I never stated what kind of "car stereo" system I own. I mentioned the Dynaudio Loudspeakers in regards to the 200 watt per side amplification. Some of the top notch components out there can take a great amount of power, and, I would like to have the additional headroom.

    In order for you to increase the powerhandling of a component set, either your raise your crossover point, or raise the crossover slope. I am a big fan of 2 channel home stereo, and I have a lot of clean power available so that musical peaks that sometimes contain up to 4 times the energy, are reproduced accurately.

    I think having a "generous" amount of power up front is very important for a considerably loud, 'clean-sounding' front stage.
  9. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    here is a page, it involves pointsourcing and what needs to be done to correct for multiple pointsorces...

    and here is another on absolute phase and imaging...

    Geo is much better at putting things into words than I am, and I think these reads are a must.[/b][/quote]
    Yes, I've read most of "Geolemon's" guides and tutorials.

    I was just merely stating that if you can properly put your tweeters on the dash as back as possible as to equal pathlengths from each tweeter to the ears, that is also a possibility. While doing this, issues such as stage presentation (heighth, width) can sometimes be drastically reduced. This was simply all I was trying to point out.
  10. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    here is a page, it involves pointsourcing and what needs to be done to correct for multiple pointsorces...

    and here is another on absolute phase and imaging...

    Geo is much better at putting things into words than I am, and I think these reads are a must.[/b][/quote]
    Ok, here's my issues with what geo was doing. While the first project with the reflecting tweet off the windshield was a great idea, and im sure it worked fine, i was able to do that with Digital Time Correction. That effectively set my stage right in front of me. Now, with the second project of tryin to get equal path lengths, that wont work to well for me. My legs are too damn long, and putting my tweets down there would prove to be suckass. Though i agree its best to have equal path lengths and 1 point source or atleast relativly close ones, i just dont have that luxury. So, what is there to do?
  11. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I never said anything about the type of "car stereo" you had. I was just merely stating that 200 watts is not a requirement to have a good sounding stereo. However, I do agree that headroom is great to have, but it is not NEEDED. I also think that head room is just as important on subs. To me it is pointless to spend a lot of money on speakers and "cheap out" on the subs, even though only a small portion of frequencies are reproduced by the subs. I think the system you be 'equal' all the way from speakers to subs.

    Also, just keep in mind SQ systems don't have to be loud. In fact some of the best sounding systems in home and in car that I have heard havent been very loud at all.
  12. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    I never said anything about the type of "car stereo" you had. I was just merely stating that 200 watts is not a requirement to have a good sounding stereo. However, I do agree that headroom is great to have, but it is not NEEDED. I also think that head room is just as important on subs. To me it is pointless to spend a lot of money on speakers and "cheap out" on the subs, even though only a small portion of frequencies are reproduced by the subs. I think the system you be 'equal' all the way from speakers to subs.

    Also, just keep in mind SQ systems don't have to be loud. In fact some of the best sounding systems in home and in car that I have heard havent been very loud at all.[/b][/quote]
    Yes, I know all of this. I have been into mobile audio and electronics for about 9 years now. One of the sweetest sounding set-ups I've heard was on relatively small power.

    I disagree, headroom is needed to reproduce the musical peaks accurately and without stress. I never said that you couldn't have a nice stereo unless you have 200 watts per side on your front stage; I merely just threw that rating out there because of the Dynaudio Speaker Systems needing a great deal of power to really shine.
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Yes, I know all of this. I have been into mobile audio and electronics for about 9 years now. One of the sweetest sounding set-ups I've heard was on relatively small power.

    I disagree, headroom is needed to reproduce the musical peaks accurately and without stress. I never said that you couldn't have a nice stereo unless you have 200 watts per side on your front stage; I merely just threw that rating out there because of the Dynaudio Speaker Systems needing a great deal of power to really shine.[/b][/quote]
    Which is why I merely put the 2000+ watts with the w7s beacuse with that amount of power/headroom they will sound damn nice! Thats all I was merely stating, but then you come on here saying I dont need 2000 watts, which I agree you dont NEED it just like you dont NEED 200 watts on the front speakers, but its good to have.

    BUT you say on of the best sounded systems you have heard was on a small amout of power...then you say headroom is needed?
  14. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Which is why I merely put the 2000+ watts with the w7s beacuse with that amount of power/headroom they will sound damn nice! Thats all I was merely stating, but then you come on here saying I dont need 2000 watts, which I agree you dont NEED it just like you dont NEED 200 watts on the front speakers, but its good to have.

    BUT you say on of the best sounded systems you have heard was on a small amout of power...then you say headroom is needed?[/b][/quote]

    You don't need a big amplifier to have headroom. Also, I put much more emphasis and money into my front stage than subwoofer systems.

    Subwoofer: 20-70 hz
    Component: 70-20khz
  15. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member


    You don't need a big amplifier to have headroom. Also, I put much more emphasis and money into my front stage than subwoofer systems.

    Subwoofer: 20-70 hz
    Component: 70-20khz[/b][/quote]
    OK :rolleyes:

    You do your system how you want, but dont tell someone they NEED 200 watts on their fronts, thats like me telling them (in a serious way)that they need 2000+ to their subs.

    Also, you may put very little time into your subs, but to others that may be all they really want. Me, I spend almost equal time and money on subs and speakers, although I tend to spend a little more time on the fronts. I think its dumb to spend a lot of time and money on one and "cheap out" on the other. But hey what do I know....

    This is a pointless 'argument' Im through....and off to spring break for some fun :D
  16. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    it's funny cuz there are 2 main convos going on in this one post....
  17. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    But only one relevant to the topic......

    Can we say "Thread Jacking!"?