nah, that hole is so you can easily get to what you need to as far as power locks are concerned. Pull back the plastic a little bit on that shorted connector for us.
Okay, when I get home I'll pull back the platic covering a little bit so you can see what's goin on with that. Thanks a lot tyrant..
Okay, so I found the actuator and everything works fine the actuator is just messed up. It doesn't have the strength to lock and unlock the door. Thanks for all your help guys. I'm guessing the rear door is the same way. Probably just need to replace the actuator. Two new actuators cost $260.00 Two used actuators at a u-pull $20.00 I'm goin to u-pull-n-pay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep you guys posted.
Before you go that far, let me pull it up on "no Data" tomorrow just to make sure there isn't something else going on that will require a little less money. Just so i know, your car is a 92 civic 4 door... correct?
it says that a 1.6 liter civic 4 door 92 only has the main brain for all the locks, so in that case if the solenoids look fried. Go get new ones.
why not change the whole thing with a new set? Here you go. or, if you just need one or two:
found something even better.... $20 for a set of 4!!!|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 or, this is made for honda... or a set of 4......
Sweet! See how easy that was lol. Hey tyrant you wouldn't happen to know anything about electric bikes, scooters? I have some 48 volt bikes, just wondering if your familiar with the electrical system. Here's the bikes:
The door lock actuators were fried. Just replaced them with used ones; total cost: $19.98 and 25 minutes