OT: Somebody talked me into listening to

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by flawlesskid, Apr 18, 2003.

  1. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    i swear...your a fucking dumbass

    NO that is NOT what i said...i said 'everyone I KNOW who listens to PF is a pothead...and i know quite a few'

    how in the fuck do you get 'EVERYONE who listens to PF'...think u been hittin some herb when you read my response...lol

    all IM saying is(gotta put this in stupid people terms) THE MAJORITY of people who listen to PF are potheads, not EVERY LAST FUCKING FAN

    calm the fuck down before you start gettin all pissy and shit, trying to trash/diss people on this board...i havent seen you here much...so why dont you return from the place you came from...and the world(on this forum anyhow) will be a much better place..

    oh and like sandt said
    didnt i just say that a few posts back?? lol

    :rolleyes: fucking idiot :rolleyes:

    oh and i find it funny how you trying to suck up to people on this board because everyone proved your stupid ass wrong...haha...thats a bitch move period...

    eat a dick...literally
  2. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    First off, WHO AM I SUCKING UP TO?

    Please specifically point out, did you actually read my post, or skim through?

    So, you are also saying that, "the MAJORITY of people who listen to Pink Floyd are potheads."


    You are the one who apparently needs to calm down-----you seem to be quite the keyboard commando---how old are you, 15 or 16 years old?

    how did they prove me wrong? i am not sucking up to you or anyone, and I have been around these forums longer than you have---in terms of audio in general, i know quite a bit--considering i have been involved in the audio community for about 9 years----seems like you are just riding the coattails of Sandt38 in this thread---talk about "bitch move"---so you can eat the dick, literally--