bam! or BAM if you prefer
BAM comparison test with the H2 sub
Maybe i'll just go with one 15" intead of two, the power ratings sub to amp match better?
cool, i think i'll do that, keep it simple. What amperage alternator am i going to need for this, the car came with a 90 amp originally and i upgraded to a new 130 amp when i got the car, with a 3 year warranty lol, i guess it won't be enough.
well it dosent hurt to have it,but you might need a bigger one or a second one. i saw a truck in truckin magazine with 5 300 amp alts in it. now he is running to 22 inch jackhammers and 4 10 inch midbass. i thumbed through the mag again and it said this truck hit 185 db's with a 16 cuft box.its in an 02 escalade truck.
Well you won't know until you try it out without an upgraded alt first...some alternators are just frankstein freaks. I'd upgrade the big three to 0 gauge if it isn't 0 gauge already...and maybe add a battery in the back
A 130 amp alternator should do you OK. Be sure to have a quality battery that is in good condition. Do all the required electrical upgrades..... Oh, and if you ground that amp with a self tapping screw i will personally punch you in the face!!!:lol: And when you run the power wire back to the amp..DO NOT run it through a distro the power wire from the battery straight to the amp (with in line WAFER FUSE by the battery.
haha, i think i need a good punch in the face. The retards at a shop i went to did that with like 5 self tapping screws about 1"1/2 long behind my back seat right above the gas tank then straight down. It still gets me irritated when i think about it, they may have punctured the tank who knows. They twisted my bazooka amp too mounting it and cracked a transistor. I should have taken pictures and sued the pricks. I have a new 1200 cca battery so i guess i just need to change the 4 gauge. If i put another battery in the trunk do you think i can get away with keeping the 4 gauge. I'm not running any more amps for the front it is all powered from the deck.
so when should you be getting it?without an amp for the highs arent you worried about the bass drowning every thing out?
the pioneer hu pushes pretty good for now, i'd say 35 watts rms x 4 I'm using the factory speakers so if i got an amp i would probably have to change the speakers, i'm pushing them to the max before distortion now i think anything more would fry em.
Doubtful about that 35 watts rms from a head unit....more realistically it is prolly around 25 watts rms