Sub...very good. Box...big no will sound like crap and that box won't last worth sh!t. Have you not learned from us that prefab boxes are poor quality crap pieces of wood. It is also too small than the recommended size and tuning. Most likely it won't sound good. Why buy a good sub and make it sound like crap by putting it in a crappy box?? Amp...good choice. we can do better for even less money. Same kit I have. Best you can get for the price ANYWHERE
no, i OBVIOUSLY... havent learned anything about boxes. did i miss that tutorial? calm down, chubbs. the title of this thread says it all. anyhow, mind providing a link for a box that will work? also around the price range of the one i posted. and, okay, i'll go with those wires.
I'm not freaking out...merely saying that wasting a quality sub on a crap box is pointless...and that you would be better off using a 30 dollar sub in a good box and it will sound better and louder Hell I can build you a box and carpet it for that sub if you feel like paying me $60 plus shipping. Or there is a guy over on ROE that builds good boxes but they aren't anywhere near that price range...mostly because they are quality boxes that will last and not fall apart. If you want to buy a prefab for around 50 bucks that will sound good than I would say go with a sealed box. Or the best prefab that will work with this sub is this
i have to agree with azn.have a box made for your will make a diffrence. i over heard some guys at the show this weekend talking about this dude that hit 147db's with 2 8's. custom box for sure. was Pete aka Hexibase and he his 149.6db on the termlab
ok that was it then.....too many numbers to that pretty fraking impressive.i'm hoping to get to the next show early and get my truck metered.i was told if its early enough i can get it done free
i really have no interest in breaking my mirrors and cracking the pavement. i just want a thump and have no desire to spend just as much or more for a box than for the sub. that said, how does q-logic rate? like this:
If you cannot afford a quality ported box than just buy a decent quality sealed box...or have a shop build you one. Or build one yourself. Building a box is not that hard...I think its fun and relaxing
if you dont all ready have the sub then just go shop around and get a sub/box combo that you like. as for the q-logic's a gamble.what you pick for a sub may or may not sound good in that box.
q logic boxes suck balls....1.25 cu ft for a PORTED box?? gimme a is only good for the sealed
not a bad idea. circuit city's having a "Buy one Kicker CVR sub, get one free". so maybe i'll just get two 10's or something, like this: and this hopefully decent box: