i got everything off 12-volt.com Suboofer Enclosures - Fraction to Decimal, Parallel, Series, Port Length and Volume Calculators
u need to glue it and screw it together. u need to drill holes roughly and inch deep that is a slightly smaller diameter than the screw you're using. this prevents the wood from splitting. Use 1 3/4" wood screws. obviously put a line of glue along the edge of the wood before you screw it together. Also space the holes 4" apart.
I used WinISD Also using this Even using this Lv = (23562.5*Dv^2*Np/(Fb^2*Vb))-(k*Dv) where, Dv = port diameter (cm) Fb = tuning frequency (Hz) Vb = net volume (litres) Lv = length of each port (cm) Np = number of ports k = end correction (normally 0.732) Lv - (23562.5*10.16^2*2/(34^2*4))-(.732*2) I get a port length of about 35 cm or 14 inches long...this formula is true. I'm not sure why BBP6 is throwing out some crazy numbers
i have loaded bb6 with 6 different 12" drivers...the out come is the same. net of 4.0 cf box with those ports is in the 50's hz...can someone else with bb6 run these numbers too. i just want to make sure that this box will be right. i do not care if i am correct or not...that's not the point.
i'm not sure....with a net volume of 4 cu ft with ports about 12 inches long the tuning is around 33Hz. Check all of the settings for your Bass Box Pro program...maybe you are measuring cm instead of inches or something of that sort??
ok i put it all together tonight and it looks pretty good a few rough spots here and there but they can be fixed. should i make the ports 11 or 12 in. i will put those in tomorrow
i found the problem with my numbers...it was bb6!!!! i re-installed it and the numbers match. nice. I am glad this happened for a couple of reasons. First...it is good to know that the people here are very helpful and are willing to help and correct you if you are wrong in a positive way...second ....i have not rebuilt my box yet ...if i would have then i would have a box tuned to 23hz....hahaha Thanks
hey...no problem. sorry if i seemed a little...um...i dunno how to say it...edgy with my responses. i just wanted to see what was up with your bassboxpro program. I glad you have it all worked out and functioning properly now. Yeah that would have been a bummer if you had built your box tuned to 23Hz lol
ok i built the box and went to hook it all up today but i hooked the amp up to the battery all correct and it just went to protect and didnt do anything else. does anyone know what has happened.
i was two feet away from my battery and all were connected to the battery directlyso i dont think that was the problem