I new on here and have just finished building my system but my amp overheats after 15 minutes and shuts off. I have a JVC d-540, 2 Rockford Fosgate R2D2-10s 500 watts each with dual voice cones, and went with a Planet Audio 1000.2 amp. I'm going crazy trying to figure it out. I had a local place called RadioActive install it. They have a good rep but I think maybe they wired my speakers wrong. They jumped the voice cones to one side each and also bridged them. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!
Hi, welcome to the forum. Good to know about you. Em also new here, I love music too. Em fron New York and here for exploring new things.
Hi and welcome to the forum. Em also new here my name is Arthur Sousa and my part time work is a Drummist.
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