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New Hood For the Ranger

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Ranger SVO, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    That's a huge yard!They let you walk around the premises?
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Yes it is and no you don't walk back there, you drive. It would take a full day to walk through there. The roads are well maintained.

    What you do is you check in, tell them what your looking for and they tell you what section you need to go to. You find what you are looking for and you go through the check out before you leave.

    Its no problem and people have been banned for stealing. Its not worth it. For example, if they have to find the hood for me and pull it (because for example I'm banned and I'm NOT)would have cost $100. I can go in the back, find and pull my own part and its only $70.

    I love that place, everytime I go I will spend 3 or 4 hours in the yard. Its just tooo cool.

    And just think they did not have one Mustang SVO
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    The good ol u-pull-it salvage yard...I love those places. Dont have one in this area unfortunately. Post pics of your progress through the installation. I have never done anything like that.
  4. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Stealing is not worth it that"s for sure,but that is crazy you drive in.
  5. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    If you pull your own parts, you need to drive in. And the hood that I found was about a 1/2-mile from the gate. Carrying a hood for a 1/2-mile would be tough. By the way, the other teacher that was with me drove his Harley back there.

    This wrecking yard is huge. Walking around it is not practical. That arial photo in the website is old. There are alot more rows of cars now.
  6. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Maybe I should come visit and buy some parts.HAHA
  7. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Come on down, we'll make a day of it.

    I do spend alot of time there, and so do some of my friends. We have gone out there many times just because. The staff knows us pretty well. In fact, this last time, they didnt even check to see what was in my truck. I just drove out the gate, parked, went inside, had a cup of coffee, and paid for the hood. Went home.

    Check this out

    The yellow highlighted areas are new rows of cars. The arrow is the gate where you check in and out. The yellow/red dot is about where I found the hood.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  8. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

  9. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    WOW that place is huge
  10. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Thats a dam good salvage yard. I would kill to have that around here. We have one like that, but its not nearly that large. Where you at Ranger?
  11. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Abilene Texas
  12. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    How's the hood coming along?
  13. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Seriously taking my time.

    The scoop will be going to school with me tomorrow (its already in my truck). I plan on getting the scoop cut, flanged and fitted tomorrow. The louvers are the first part. The welding will be done at the High School welding shop.

    Hopefully we will get it welded Tuesday or Wednesday. I will be taking and posting pictures.

    Scoop and louvers first then we are still a two or three weeks out on the hood.
  14. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    These improvements do take time,but I was just curious.
  15. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Again, this project will take a couple of months. I am NOT rushing through this.

    So here is what I've done today

    My vision




    Again there will be more to come, but I will take my time.

    So tommy2tone, in your opinion, whats the best filler?
  16. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    you welded the louvers on facing the wrong way!!!!!!!!!!!!! JK buddy!
  17. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    You're funny and NO I did'nt :lol:
  18. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I would start with duraglass(Evercoat,usc, and/or marson makes good stuff),then any lightweight filler,followed by icing to fill in the pinholes.When you use duraglass,you'll want to sand it when it gets real hot,otherwise you'll be sanding forever.That stuff gets rock hard.Looking good so far.
  19. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    We had some really nice weather today and got alot done on the scoop. We did not like the way the louvers fit, so they were cut off, refitted and put back on.

    The louvers were clamped on using screws


    Then we welded the louver panel to the scoop



    We grinded the welds down, put a little primer on it. The body work will be done after its attached to the hood


    We cut the hood, cut the scoop, figured out where everything needs to go and decided to call it a day

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  20. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    It's looking good Ranger.