Need Advice - Important Issue With My 1200.1

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by texcon, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I don't think that would have been the best option to be honest. My time is money and I was getting tired of spending any more time than necessary on this issue.

    Keep in mind I was told that my 1200.1 was sent to PG the day it arrived at Indoaudio's offices, which turned out to be a total lie. At that point, I knew that getting my 1200.1 would still be possible, but would have taken another 6-8 weeks minimum. This whole debacle would have been prevented had Indoaudio not told me to just send my amp to PG in the first place. Goes to show what one small event can lead to.

    Besides Indoaudio being shady the entire time, PG has not really been terribly useful, which kind of makes my decision to get another PG amp kind of odd. PG has been horrible at returning my calls and emails and merely wanted to use me and my amp to bust Indoaudio and/or his distributor. I never got the feeling that they actually gave a damn about me and my problem. I think if a company is willing to warranty something like that, then just fix it instead of using that person as a guinea pig. I'd have been happier if they had just come forth and told me they weren't going to fix it. I much prefer straightforward-ness.

    But I was not in a very good situation and getting a replacment amp that *I* actually wanted was the quickest and least paiful solution.

    In the end, I will be perfectly happy assuming the 600.2 is new and performs as well as my 400.2 has. But it is am amplifier I am very happy getting as a replacement for my 1200.1. I am too old to be making some kind of point by demanding my 1200.1 be repaired. I'll leave that to people with trust funds who don't work and protest against [insert cause here] for a living.

    To put it in smiley terms, I much would prefer to be B) than :ranting:
  2. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    MTX Thunder 1501D ??
  3. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Nope, PG Ti600.2 ;)

    I actually thought about that MTX amp, but decided to get the 600.2 because of its better sound quality. I honestly don't need over 1000 watts, but just got something initially that gave me a lot of overhead, i.e the Tantrum. I think this 600.2 will be a good match for my old Solo.
  4. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    glad it worked out. there are some shady people on ebay.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    they helped you more than I would have if I was them

    "Sir you bought in on ebay I am sorry but your SOL, our Policy Clearly states no Ebay Sales...."

    and that would have been it for the Converstation

    and I personally still dont think they needed to have you send it back via Indo as a "guinea pig" they had all the Info they need to "bust" them after you gave them the Serial Number over the Phone

    many Companys. MANY require you to send EVERYTHING back via the Dealers for Warranty Work, Including the Bigger Compaines like JL.........
  6. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Yes, I totally agree that they helped me more than they were required to, but IMO if they are willing to help me with my amp, then be legit about it rather than pull my chain all day. And about using me as a guinea pig - the PG rep I spoke with several times said this verbatim, so it is actually straight from the horse's mouth. I asked them straight up why I couldn't send my amp straight to them and they told me they needed Indoaudio and/or his distributor to send it to them so they could bust them, i.e Indoaudio had to be a part of that particular transaction. Let's not forget that I would have been fine if they told me they were not going to warranty my amp. Then I would have sent it in and paid out of pocket without a problem.

    Also, Indoaudio was in the clear selling close out model amps on Ebay - PG told me this was acceptable. But PG needed the amp in their possession, as well as having Indoaudio send it to them rather than me, so they could bust Indoaudio for selling refurbs as new. Without the amp, the info I gave them was only as good as the paper it was written on.
  7. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I will be happy when I have the amp in my car and working. But I would say after all this Indoaudio is not as much shady as they are bad at customer service. I think they had some miscommunication in their office because they never had their shit together on this issue.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am sure that is what the Rep told you, but I am equally sure PG did not need you to "bust them"

    Customer Service people tend to tell you what ever it takes to get you off the Phone Happy..... I am sure he picked up on your Anger so he said "send to back to them and we will bust them" ;) hence you hung up pissed off at Indo and not PG, Mission Achomplished
  9. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Perhaps, but I was not really pissed, but just curious why they wouldn't let me send it directly to PG. In either case, they jerked me around when they didn't really need to and that is really what bugs me the most. Again, I am not some little 6 year old asking where babies come from, so just be straightforward with me and lay it on the table. At least I learned a lot about online transactions from all of this.
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I've stayed out of this for a reason, but I have to say that not all online dealers are alike. Authorized dealers displaying it prominently with a valid virtual storefront are just as trustworthy as a physical storefront.
  11. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Perhaps a better thing to say is that I have learned how online transactions CAN go. I didn't mean to suggest that ALL online transactions have an element of surprise waiting to bust out at any moment. I have bought many, many items online from various merchants over the years. It's not like this one event will keep me from buying online again, but it will make me buy from authorized online merchants for on now. The savings, as small as they often are, are just not worth the possible hassle. This was truly my first major hiccup realtive to online transactions. I went into this whole deal knowing I could get burned. But being treated like an idiot is something I won't tolerate.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    authorized or Unauthorized as long as you buy from a TRUSTED source, and NO ONE on ebay can be trusted NO ONE, then you will be fine

    I sold unauthorized online for years, I even paid for stuff out of my own pocket to make my customers happy {still have 2 CompVR sitting in my Closet (civic96 you bastard :p ) )}

    Ebay == Scam Scam Scam

    that is all you need ti know
  13. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Well, Ebay is good in some respects. I can get used cd's for $0.01!!