Space isnt everything. Quality is what we want. Viking are you still there? I wanna rip a song from a CD that you and I both own, I have Boston, AC/DC, Ted Nugent, ZZ Top, Tom Petty, Rush (lots of Rush) REO Speedwagon. I have lots of country. I have a son with 200 CD's, mostly newer junk. I wanna rip a song from a CD, sent it to you after I encode it. I say that you will not be able to tell it from the original. Lets pick a song I'll sent it to you via, you burn it as an MP3 and compare it to the original Anyone else that wants to try this lets pick a song, I will encode it and send it to you for comparison.
Hey, You will find Windows Media to be the Ultimate Encoder hands down, Bar None, No holds Barred, Complete Reckless Abandon, King of Kings, The Big Papa..... fORGET MP3 all together WMA IS THE **** !!!!! WMA WMA WMA WMA WMA WMA WMA EVERYONE MUST BOW IN IT'S PRESENCE
I can send someone Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun as WMA to compare, or any song from that album. I have very few real cds and I have no clue where they are.
Holy Canoles, I forgot all about this, whooooooooo. It's good to be King? lol WMA Windows Media Audio Lossless vs MP3
HEY, I am all for it!!! Here is MY problem right now, and the reason i aint been on here much. My earache turned into a ruptured ear drum on the left ear, 102 fever and feel like complete CRAP. I really cant hear worth a dang right now. especially if i was to do any critical listening. But go ahead and send me a song ot two. Les see, Fellow rush fan eh? How about Good ol tom sawyer andif ya want, got any Allison Krauss/union station?
I have sent you Tom Sawyer, the only CD I have by Alison Krauss is "Now That I've Found You" if you would like a song from that CD let me know. Your best evaluation when you can. This challenge is for anyone who wants to participate. I know nothing about OGG.
downloading now..... hopefully my pc doesnt shut down, ice storm right now!!! power brown outs like crazy and my ups is going nuts!!!!! Any of Allison Krauss would be good, iam VERY familiar with her voice and style. Some of the better recordings in my opinion.
OK, listening to Tom Sawyer right now on the PC speakers, sounds the same as any.....DUH!!!! LOL!!!! PC speakers pretty much dont do any justice to ANY music. Will listen to it on a high end set soon, as soon as my hearing comes back in my left ear (i hope)
Sent you Alison Krauss "Baby Now That I've Found You" Give it a spin and you best evaluation. Have all your buddies check it out. Try a blind taste test. I'll be willing to bet that they cannot pick out the MP3.