Second that...the alternator supplies ALL power while car is running...did you really think that your cap "supplied power during hard bass notes" sorry you got suckered into buying one. Caps get their power from the adding a cap will just put more strain on your stock electricals... like Viking said...A NEW HIGH OUTPUT ALTERNATOR IS DUE
yeah i know i need a bigger alternator i understand where the cap get its power from i figured it would be the other way around and allow more time for the alternator to catch back up is it all i need is a new alternator or do i also need bigger wire?
my car at idle puts out 13 volts i dont know about a high rev point i never have looked back and checked my reading while im driving
Class D or AB amps?? I'd check your voltage when the amps cut out...its not hard...just hook it up to the pos and neg and turn your sh!t up