Looking for advice to build first sub box

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by luckydawg003, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    I want it to be a dual 10" sub box, kind of shaped like this.
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I'm still confused with the shape of the hump...so is the floor flat and then theres a hump like a small plateau in the middle??
  3. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Take another look at my picture. The hump is in the back of the trunk. It goes up at a 22 deg. angle 8 In. tall, then it flattens out for 7 In. at the very top thats it, then theirs the rear seats.
  4. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Heres a sketch I did of how I want it. Any help figuring the interior volume for me. Sealed box, for 2 10 In. Kicker CVR subs.
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I can model that up for you sunday when I get back from a wedding.
  6. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    My 10s need 33.2 HZ, not sure what all the other numbers mean. The sealed box needs .8 Cu Ft. per sub so 1.6 for both of mine as a minimum. Which is what I want. Take up less space and have them hit harder.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2008