Liftedranger's new system

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by liftedranger08, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Well will the nine.1 be too powerful for my subs?
  2. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    nah, i dont think so. just set the gain down a little.
  3. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Thanks for your help guys. I believe I'm goin with the nine.1 for the subs. When the dude had them before me, he hit 151 dbs with the crossfire 1000d in the boxes they are in now. When I get the new amp and new box, will I b close to the 160s?
  4. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    idk about 160's but it will be higher than 151 apparently. u should send azn a pm and get that NINe.1 ASAP! and get them subs goin!
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    doubt the 151 was on the termlab...probably a horribly tuned audiocontrol or something.

    with two sealed 15's you aren't going to get into the 150s. I'd estimate mid to high 140s. no where near 160
  6. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    These subs are going in a ported 6 cubic ft box tuned to 35-36Hz.
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    deff mid/high 40's. 160's would take a TON of batts and amps. literally. :eek:
  8. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    O ok. Well im not sure what kind of db meter was used when he hit 151. It was at a competition and he won his class.
  9. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    I should be starting on the box tomrrow afternoon after i get home school. I will post pics any progress that i make.
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    cant wait. good luck to you.
  11. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Well i guys, i got my box built and i put it in my truck. Those cerwin vegas pound like a mofo with just 300 watts a piece. they also drop really good lows. When i get home from work, ill post the pics that i have and i will try to get them on the meter before i come home today.
    Btw, g3 designed this box and he did a great job.
  12. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    i'm glad you got it done, was it your first box?
  13. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    It wasn't my first box but the boxes I built, I kinda guessed 4 the measurements. I'm not quite done w the looks of this box yet.
  14. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    as long as you're in the ballpark of the figures i gave you then you should be fine. oh and how did you orient the subs and the port?
  15. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    I put the subs beside each other than the port at the end. I used the exact measurements you gave me and they slam.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    soooo? where are the pics ^_^
  17. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Well guys heres some pics of the box.

    Sitting in the shop with subs mounted

    Sittiin my truck



    Heres my crossfire 600d amp that is temporary.

    Now i have to flush mount the subs, run the wire out the back, and put black carpet on it and im done with the box.
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    you could add another baffle to flush the subs.

    one more. whats keeping that box in place?
  19. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Yea i am going to do that this weekend because when i made the box, i didnt have the router but i have one now bc my dad found it. Nothin is holding the box in place. Its just sitting there. Should i put some bolts thru the bottom?
  20. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    And im also going to run the wire out the back and put black carpet on it to make it look better.