Kicker CVR12

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by electrolytic, May 17, 2007.

  1. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I shall... I might start today.
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I was gonna start today...planned on gettin a few sheets of MDF...but its fuking raining so that is cancelled
  3. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Same thing happened here. I lost power.
  4. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I'm curious, you know how my amps are rated at 400 watts @ 2 ohms and I adjusted the gains until I got 28.3 volts? Well if the amps were rated at 14.4 volts and I'm getting somewhere in the 13's in real life... wouldn't that mean I'm pushing my amps too hard by turning the gains until they reached 28.3 volts?
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I doubt they are unregulated amps...I'm sure they will still put out 400 watts at 13.5 volts.

    Only real way to know is with an oscilliscope...wish I had one but the DMM method is the best method you can use without an oscilliscope
  6. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Ready for cuts...

    Extra MDF sheet...

    Hooray for scrap MDF...


  7. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    DAMN YOU!!!!!

    I want MDF!!
  8. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    haha I even got a 60 tooth blade. It seemed to cut much better... no burn marks when I tested it on some scrap MDF. Before I had a 140 tooth. Azn, when are you going to start posting pics of your build?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2007
  9. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Whenever I can get some MDF lol...I am trying to find a way to transport three sheets back to my house...the boards won't fit in the back of my truck.

    If I get off work earlier while its still light out I can use my dads 16 foot trailer but I work late usually till when the sun starts to drop
  10. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    HAHA i was so planned on getting ONE sheet of mdf nice and neat in our van well that didnt work i ended up buying a 14 piece kit of bungees and that kept the hatch shut. it was only open about 4 inches so it wasnt that bad. just semi's are VERY loud and when you stomp on it it sounds like a wind tunnel
  11. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    That sucks lol. I just borrow my friend's pos 1990 jeep comanche pickup.
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    thats the one thing i hate about suv's. no room for big stuff.

    so eazy did you pick what subs you'll use?and amp?
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well guess what...I planned on buying some MDF when I got off off at 6:55...WHY?? because it started POURING!!!

    F U C K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. eazy

    eazy Full Member


    I'm going to build a 2 chamber 4.5 cube box tuned to 33 Hz with 50 sq. inches of port for the CVR12's... If I don't see a huge improvement I'm going to sell the CVR12's and 400.1's.

    I think I'm going to buy a Sundown Audio SAZ-1500D, 2 Fi Q12's, some Knukonceptz Kolossus Kable (5145 strands of TOFC), an extra battery, and a high output alternator if I need it.
  15. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    good luck.keep us posted.
  16. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Alright, I've decided I need more midbass. The problem is, whenever I turn up the volume to 25+ (40 is max), the 5.25" components get bass distortion. They can't handle the bass. The EQ is set on flat and I had the bass to the speakers on 0. I don't have a high pass filter on my headunit or a custom EQ. What do you guys think I should do?
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    it means you need and amp for them...or get some capacitors from part sex press
  18. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I have the 350.2 going to the components and the bass still sucks...
  19. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    try to reset all gains...start with everything all the way down....the turn volume on radio up to about 32 or to where there is no distortion...then turn up gain on 5.25" components amp to where there is no distortion...then same for the subs. this will let you pound away without damaging anything.
  20. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    well 5.25inch components aren't really meant for bass...more of mids and a little midbass.

    Turn the high pass on the amp up