Kicker CVR12

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by electrolytic, May 17, 2007.

  1. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    running subs at +6 on the bass will cause any sub to make funny smells.

    when i beat mine for a few minutes full tilt i too smell my's normal.

    the back pressure thing makes sense to me.they start to flop around a little easier.when i have my hatch open i here a bigg diff,and my sub moves alot more.
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    It is a myth...we have already had this discussion a while back...your subs will not burn up faster with the trunk open or the box in a free air environment.

    having the bass at +6 AND eq on ROCK is asking for a clipped signal that = burning coils....if you are gonna use the rock setting then put the bass at 0 or at most +1 or 2

    I've wanged all my subs with the hatch open....doesn't make a difference.

    At the ICIX meet at the eD place the guys there put 2400 watts to a 19Ov.2 free air and it handled it fine lol

    The guy at the shop who said you needed two chambers isn't too knowledgeable...a single chamber is fine as long as the amps are set the same with the DMM.

    The voltage will be different between a 50Hz tone and a 70Hz tone because of impedance rise. I always use a 50Hz tone though
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    but azn i do hear a diff from the drivers seat.i loose alot of my bass with hatch open.

    ok maybe when i'm listening with the hatch open i have to crank up the i see the sub flying around.

    i never watch it's probably doing what it always does.
    it does have a good amount of excursion.

    but the bass level does atleast half. in my truck anyways
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    well yeah the bass drops but having subs in a trunk that is open is the same thing as having subs in a SUV with all the windows rolled down...doesn't make a difference in where the subs fry or not
  5. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    So if you have a 400 watt amplifier, would there be any difference in loudness between having a 400 watt sub and a 600 or 750 watt sub? (all 12")

    Is a 15" sub getting 400 watts louder than a 12" sub getting 400 watts because more air is displaced?
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    depends eazy.

    A 300-600 watt 15 inch sub will get louder with 400 watts than a 12 inch sub...from my experiences. My old 15W4 was a lot louder on 300 watts than my friends Type R on 300 watts both in my huge box...cuz it was more efficient and used the power better
  7. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    What do you guys think of Cadence amps? Here.

    $199... also $199 with free shipping from Cadence Direct on ebay.

    1 Ohm RMS Power: 1 x 1000 Watts @ 13.8 Volts

    2 Amps Bridged 2 Ohm RMS Power: 2000 Watts

    I checked the voltage at my amps. It was exactly 13.8 volts.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  8. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    looks good...Cadence is a good brand
  9. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Aright I think I checked the voltage when I wasn't playing it at full tilt. I need to check the voltage then. How many watts do you think I could expect from that amp? It seems like such a good deal. I don't know how I could pass it up... brand new 1000 watt strapable amp for $200 shipped.
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Not really sure...but Cadence is a good brand so I'd trust there ratings are close
  11. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Alright I measured my full tilt voltage going into the amps. It was 13.1-13.2 volts while I was playing a 70 Hz tone at 3/4 volume and bass at +6.

    When I was done my voice coils were stinkin again. The next subs I buy will be rated higher than my amp. What do you guys think of the Sundown Audio SAZ-1500D? Here. The MSRP is $600 but I found a site saying 20% off. I also found some real life specs about the amp on another forum...

    "I don't know if many of you guys are aware of Sundown Audio, I am the owner and we started selling amps in August this year. Some good real world results are available now such as the results I'm about to post. Thought some of you competition guys may be interested.

    Thanks to bigbassman, Loyd L for this test:

    "Ok.. I've been an arseho long enough... results from teh sundowns...

    Test Vehicle.. mine.. 05 aveo..

    RMS clamp and dmm, as seen in the 12" test session..

    This testing includes recent results, and not so recent..

    woofers used.. 2 Mags (1.9 dcr per coil), 2 FI Q 12's (1.4 dcr per coil)

    either used 1 sub or both of the pair for loads..

    pure 60hz sine was used to tested.. just under audible clipping

    1 amp, single 1000ca everstart maxx, factory alt

    4 ohm nominal = 518 watts @ 88% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 14.0v)
    2 ohm nominal = 948 watts @ 85% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 13.6v)
    1 ohm nominal = 1510 watts @ 78% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 12.4 volts
    .5 ohm nominal = 1615 watts @ 72% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 11.8v)
    .35 ohm nominal = 1748 watts @ 67% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 11.4v)

    amplifier was protection happy @ .35 with tones, and some music.

    IMO.. one 1500d should be limited to 1 ohm nominal use in factory electrical systems.. for the sake of the car.. not the amp

    now... to have fun with some juice..

    1 amp, single 1000ca everstart maxx, 1 Eagle Picher 12a5000, factory alt

    4 ohm nominal = 520 watts @ 88% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 14.1v)
    2 ohm nominal = 960 watts @ 84% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 13.7v)
    1 ohm nominal = 1635 watts @ 75% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 12.8 volts
    .5 ohm nominal = 1890 watts @ 71% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 12.8v)
    .35 ohm nominal = 2245 watts @ 65% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 12.8v)

    amplifier did fine @ .35 with tones and music with the added battery

    2 amps strapped, with both batteries (for the sake of not typing it over and over... voltage drops from 14.3v, to 12.8 the entire test... lol

    4 ohm strapped = 1900 watts @ 82% efficiency
    2 ohm strapped = 3150 watts @ 72% efficiency
    1 ohm strapped = 3740 watts @ 68% efficiency
    .5 ohm strapped = 4425 watts @ 65% efficiency
    .35 ohm strapped = 5415 watts @ 62% efficiency

    amps would only tolerate a VERY short burp @ .35.."
  12. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I think for my next system I want a Sundown Audio SAZ-1500D and 2 Fi BL15's... now I just need some money.
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Those sundowns are good amps
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hell yes they are.i hooked up with g-monk at two shows and heard...i should say felt his subs in action.

    HOLY CRAP that thing hits soooo bad his subs started to die one after another.

    he was down to 3 at the pop my truck show and hit a 147.8ish. then down to 2 and it got louder..150.2. this weekend he was down to one.

    his plan now is to get 64 10's and run them off of his 8 sundowns.
  15. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Hmm... is there anyway to make my setup that I have now louder? :D

    Because right now I'm supposed to be saving for college... not dropping $480 on an amp and $560 on subs.

    Oh yeah, I was bored so I plugged in some numbers in WinISD...


    Green is 4.5 cubes tuned to 41 Hz... what Kicker recommends.
    Red is 6.2 cubes tuned to 39 Hz... my box.
    Yellow is 4.5 cubes tuned to 33 Hz... what some of the lowrider guys recommended.

    Do you guys see any gain in me changing my box?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  16. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Sell it while it still works lol, burning coils is not good trust me, been there done it. You should get at least 600? Computer designed Custom box, amps and subs. Depends how good you can talk lol maybe you can get more.
  17. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I think I'm going to build a box 4.5 cubes tuned to 33 Hz for comparison. I've got nothing to lose. I mean it only costs like $50 to build a new box...and I enjoy doing it anyway lol.
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  19. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I'm smoking my subs now... how would that be better? lol
  20. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    cause of this post^^^..........:lol: