Kicker 750.1 amp...what kind of subs/box?

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by eazy, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Sucks man...recheck EVERYTHING!!!1
  2. eazy

    eazy Full Member


    Does that look like I took enough paint off?
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i dont have that you?can you figure it for me.

    my wireless is acting up and takes forever to even post here.:lol:
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ya, you took off enough paint easy. Sounds like a bad amp out of the box....this does happen. Try turning it on with the RCA's unplugged and see what happens, also try turning it on with the subs disconnected......

    Also. BE SURE the fuse holder under the hood is good!!!!!!!! i have seen several that would show 12 volts at the amp, but due to being a piece of shyte, they would not transfer the CURRENT to the amp......

    you did use a wafer fuse didnt you????? If you did, that would not be an issue. just a few thigns to look for......
  5. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I'll take some pictures of the fuse holder.
  6. eazy

    eazy Full Member


    There's the fuse holder.

    I reattached the ground after scraping all that paint off....still flashing.
    Then I unplugged the RCA's and the subwoofer....still flashing.
    And the power and remote wires were giving 12 volts according to the circuit city guy.
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Just for sytes and giggles, TEMPORARILY hook the power wire up to the battery without the fuse. Just disconnect the ends of the fuse holder from the wire and tie the copper ends together with electrical tape, then see what happens......If it still dont work right, might very well be a bad amp. (then be sure to put the fuse back in!!!!!! )
  8. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Is there any chance I'm going to electricute myself or blow the worthless amp?
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

  10. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Is that a definite no or a hesitant no? lol

    I don't want to blow the amp. I have a 1 year warranty on it and it's only been 3 weeks.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Don't worry about blowing the amp...its under warranty and nothing will happen if you unground the negative battery terminal.

    Pedro hold can download it here

    Pedro what size is your sealed box???
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  12. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    12v DC (car voltage) will not electrocute you doing that...You could hold the power wire connected with your bare hand and not get a shock (not saying to do that)....Now taking an alternator, starter or battery connection loose with a steel wrench and grounding your wrench can do some serious welding, sparks and make you wet yourself, but even with doing that (numerous times over the years as a mechaninc) I still have never gotten shocked......

    Now 120v AC and up....that is a different story....Touch the neutral wire and the hot wire at the same time with bare hands.....I guarantee you will make sounds you never heard yourself make before....That stuff will bite.....

    Viking is absolutely correct on voltage being present but not being able to pass the current....It could also be as simple as the connection to your battery being dirty (I have seen this happen, even when the connection looked clean with no corrosion)....Make sure to take a little sandpaper to the point where the terminal for the amp wire connects to the battery terminal..

    I have a sneaking suspicion your amp is faulty....

  13. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    So do I. Hopefully I won't have to pay the shipping to send it back to them.
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2006
  15. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Yeah see pedro I can't really help you if I don't have the internal volume or the port size and tuning
  16. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Is it bad that I used a washer in my ground?

    from top to bottom it went...

    bolt head, washer, ring terminal, car body

    One guy told me to try one of these in between the ring terminal and the car body.

  17. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Actually I woud use no washer between terminal and body..Preferably it would be....bolt head, flat washer, terminal, body, flat washer, that washer (it is a star, lock washer) then the nut.....That washer is designed to keep the nut tight and not back off due to actually will decrease surface contact if you put it between terminal and body. You want the terminal in FULL contact with the body...

  18. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Ah this damn ebay store still hasn't responded to my emails, ebay messages, and feedback I've left for them about the amp...and theyre a 50,563 power seller with 99.2% positive feedback.
  19. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    All I can say with that is the place I bought my amp, It was the same thing...I think it is because they are big...very busy and it seems like they are blowing you off (when they really are not).....I am used to dealing with one on one people and communication is great....I probably need to hook my map up temporarily just to make sure it works....I have had it for a few weeks was brand new in the box, but you never know....

    good luck...

  20. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Use that washer underneath the car...What I would do is have the bolt facing up so the nut goes on top.

    Clean a little bit around the bolt underneath the car and tighten everything down...then seal it up by covering it with silicon, epoxy, whatever then let it dry...then you can loosen the nut from the inside and connect and disconnect the ground without having to have someone hold a wrench underneath the car or worry about the bolt falling through when you take off the ground