wait on what amp do you have those wired too?the dual or the sound storm? my guess is that niether of those can handle a 2ohm mono load, and from what you have been telling us.it sounds like they have been wired for 2 ohms mono. did your friend wire up your last set up too....the audioBOMBS?lol. if so....... stop letting him help you.he's just makeing you spend more of your money.no really. check this out.i just ran in to a buddy of mine from high schooll.i hooked up a stereo in his car.a hifonics 4ch 1ohm stable amp. ran the front ch's to his front and rear coaxils 2 ohm stereo. polks. his subs were and still are wal mart ROAD GEAR subs.12s in a Q logic box.their power handleing is like 60watts. the subs are wired for 4 ohm stereo.gian ALL the way down and crossed over at 100hz. they survived because they were wired correctly and not abused to hell and back.that was 8 years ago. not trying to slam you,but i think they are wired wrong. NOW TOUCH THAT!!!!!!
I have it hooked to the Soundstorm Amp, I no longer have the Dual amp. No, he didn't wire up the Audiobahns, he tried to wire them up right but they were already gone by then. I'll get ahold of him and ask what he wired them up.
Dude that could be a 2 ohm load mono or 8 ohms mono....really can't tell you without you looking for yourself. Hell he prolly could have wire it up 32 ohms mono.
Can You Show Us A Pic Of The Wireing? We Are Only Trying To Get You Up And Running. I Know It Sucks Not Haveing Any Bass. What Are You Running For The Mids And Highs By The Way?with Or W/o An Amp?
I can run them, but I can't crank it up. I can play at about 1/4 volume, still rattles walls and sets off alarms, but I can hear my vocals that well since it is at such a low volume. I think I'm just gonna go find a good 1ohm stable amp and say **** it. Edit : Running 2 Sony XPlod 6 1/2" in my doors 2 Alpine Type S 6 1/2" in my back all 4 hooked up to the h/u.
Good 1 ohm stable amp...what comes to my mind is the Memphis 1000D. Very nice...friend of mine has 2 of em...very tough http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=2617
This may help, http://www.infinitysystems.com/caraudio/2-4-4.aspx Specifically for my subs to run at 4ohms
Um that is a wiring diagram for Dual 4 ohm woofers while you said you have Dual 8 ohm So it is of no use...your best bet is to just wire each sub paralleled to a channel
wow anz that is a sweet looking amp.E would 449.00 be too much for you to spend? what can you spend on an amp? i've seen kicker's 400 watt amp on ebay for less than 200.and its two ohm mono stable.
I can get that 1000D for $250 from a dealer my friend knows in Cali...gotta wait a few weeks though but hell its worth it