I Have Bass

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, I thought you said it wasn't loud!
    I misread what you wrote, I guess.

    At any rate, firing them into the back wall is a good idea... you might even think about bonding an MDF panel to fire against.. get the old "compound loading" thing going, making sure the panel isn't absorbing any energy. ;)

    And no, there's no science behind the gains of "compound loading" as far as I know - I sure haven't been able to find any... but you only need to leave an inch or two in front of the subs.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it is loud, but not "loud enough" :p

    remember I am

    1> Insanse
    2> a Bass Head
    3> Did I mention Insane?????? B)