Hey, guys.. little product preview for you!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Regal! Definitely swing by more often.. We definitely need more traffic here, particularly edjumicabted folk... :D

    Anyways, UPDATE time I guess...
    Nothing worthy of fireworks yet...

    The contracts are signed, the prototype got our stamp approval, the artwork was sent (subtle, don't worry!), the amp is officially slated for production...
    In fact, we will be taking orders in a matter of days!

    Not that we weren't happy with our prototypes as they were, but there were some subtle tweaks that we wanted to make, mostly suspension work.
    I've got two new 15" prototypes here now, two more 12" ones on the way, and a round of recones for them that incorporates a new spider to try out for all of them.
    I expect as soon as we get to hear them, we should be ready to get them into production also...

    It's just that we don't want to come to market with any old thing, we want it to really be significant... B)
  2. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Cool. I have been thinking about a single 15" setup, and from what I can gather these armageddons arent exactly made for sealed enclosures. :(
  3. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    Well, I ordered my revolutions in Aug. and I still haven't got them yet, so maybe I'll buy a couple of your amplifiers instead.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well, I ordered my revolutions in Aug. and I still haven't got them yet, so maybe I'll buy a couple of your amplifiers instead.[/b][/quote]

    and I thought I was slow in shipping some items, sometimes a week, not 3-4 MONTHS...

    Classic umm nevermind :D
  5. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member


    and I thought I was slow in shipping some items, sometimes a week, not 3-4 MONTHS...

    Classic umm nevermind :D[/b][/quote]
    Yeah, I'm a pretty patient guy, but my patience is wearing a little thin...
  6. Uhhhh

    Uhhhh Full Member

    hey man....it's not my fault you don't look at the date on these things.....

    in any event....geo....you should shoot regal a sub or two so me and him can have at it....

    from what bart is tellin me....i should have my amp or amps by then...dependin on the money i can come up with...

    and i know regal has a few 1500 wattish amps layin around we could use for testing....

    so....yeah...send us a sub to play with.....
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Screw that He need to send me one

    or two

    or three

  8. Uhhhh

    Uhhhh Full Member

    shhh....it wasn't your idea michael....don't be greedy... :p
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Um, geez...
    I would have thrown a fit by now, you must have the patience of a saint...

    I don't even have a solid delivery date on our amps yet, and I could still promise you delivery within a month, I am positive! :eek:

    Should be a huge deal too, preorder prices when we first launch, and we are kicking in some funding of our own, so we won't need a to sell out our entire first order to begin shipping.
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    (that's one reason I will not deal with Ampman... No customer service)
  11. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    (that's one reason I will not deal with Ampman... No customer service)[/b][/quote]
    Maybe they call him the Ampman because he has got your amp and wont give it up :p :D
  12. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    really...i would have thought otherwise...i have sent him several emails and hes replied to them pretty quick...

    well if thats true thats ashame... :(
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    really...i would have thought otherwise...i have sent him several emails and hes replied to them pretty quick...

    well if thats true thats ashame... :([/b][/quote]
    I have heard numerous complaints about warranty issues and returning E-mails/phone calls (which I have personal experiance with) and just plain not being able to get in touch with them at all. I was going to order some ADS comps (about $700 for the set) from them and shot them an e-mail in August right after talking to kirk on the phone for about 20 Minutes. I reminded him of the contact in late August, and twice in September and NEVER recieved a single responce untill NOVEMBER. 4 months to answer an E-mail? Really bad personal experiance. I also know of several issues with warranties that wind up going unresolved untill Dan himself gets involved in the mix (I believe there a 2 members on this board who have had this experiance ;) ). Real disapointing for a "respectable" shop.

    *edit* I normally don't say this on an open forum but I have told many privately about these issues. I really shouldn't bash as it goes against my personal judgement but in hearing of this 4 month wait I am just pissed. Slump, I am shooting you a PM real quick, I want you to have another option.
  14. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    well man that does suck i ve always thought for the most part they were a real good placed to deal (from personal experience and hearing others) with but thats kinda a bummer....i guess peepl dont realize how important cust. service is....

    i wouldnt concider it bashing....you had a problem with them and told us about it so that way maybe we can save ourselves some trouble and order somewhere with better cust. service.
  15. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    I have heard numerous complaints about warranty issues and returning E-mails/phone calls (which I have personal experiance with) and just plain not being able to get in touch with them at all. I was going to order some ADS comps (about $700 for the set) from them and shot them an e-mail in August right after talking to kirk on the phone for about 20 Minutes. I reminded him of the contact in late August, and twice in September and NEVER recieved a single responce untill NOVEMBER. 4 months to answer an E-mail? Really bad personal experiance. I also know of several issues with warranties that wind up going unresolved untill Dan himself gets involved in the mix (I believe there a 2 members on this board who have had this experiance ;) ). Real disapointing for a "respectable" shop.

    *edit* I normally don't say this on an open forum but I have told many privately about these issues. I really shouldn't bash as it goes against my personal judgement but in hearing of this 4 month wait I am just pissed. Slump, I am shooting you a PM real quick, I want you to have another option.[/b][/quote]
    Yeah they're saying Nov. 7 now. As soon as I can get a hold of them on the phone I'm cancelling the order. I might even send back the Brahmas and the box I ordered from them and go with 8 shivas instead ;)
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You got new PM and maybe even some more new hope ;) . The Shiva is an awesome driver, but the Brahma is all balls. I suggest the Brahmas. Don't get me wrong, I love the shit out of my Shivas, but the B is a differant world :D
  17. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I detect a little confusion...
    I can't imagine an install where I would be considering "Should I get eight Shivas, or two Brahmas?"

    Eight Shivas would be an SPL workhorse, would need a monster sized enclosure, and they just won't have the same SQ..

    Two Brahmas would also have huge SPL, but would really shine in terms of pure, really "I understand now!" sound quality.. and really, as far as impressing your friends...
    Eight subs, of course they will be loud..
    Two subs, "Holy cow, all that's coming from just those?"
  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    And of course, if you do cancel your order, and think that you can wait maybe another month or two, I can make it very much worth your wait.. ;)
  19. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    whats ya'll's estimate on prices for the subs? and how hard will it be to get one?
  20. streetrace_r

    streetrace_r Full Member

    lookin good geo :blink: