Hey, guys.. little product preview for you!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Yes, our current prototype amps are "traditional" (compared to what we are trying to develop for future product) class D 1500 watt subwoofer amps.

    I am not sure if it would make sense to outsource something like powdercoating, as opposed to having the build-house handle those tasks... largely because of shipping, you know.
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Release dates are definitly not solidified at this point.. :(

    We are planning another round of prototypes to incorporate a few more changes that we would like to see...

    The subwoofer amp is close to ready though...

    Our full-range gear is a ways off though... but should be interesting stuff, you know my interests and concerns with managing absolute-phasing (phase combination of signals as they arrive at your ears) in the impossibly-difficult automotive interior! :D
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yes, our current prototype amps are "traditional" (compared to what we are trying to develop for future product) class D 1500 watt subwoofer amps.

    I am not sure if it would make sense to outsource something like powdercoating, as opposed to having the build-house handle those tasks... largely because of shipping, you know.[/b][/quote]
    just an idea for both of you

    have the build house to a "stock" color for most amps

    then offer a "custom color" service where you would send the amp to him and he could color it, then ship iot to the customer

    for a added fee of course :D
  4. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Got any predictions on the prices of your products?
  5. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    But of course ;)

    Im willing to do all kind of custom work. Right now Im deciding If im going to re-do my cadence amps to match my install or stay with the orange(I love that orange, but itll stick out)

    Like I said GEO. Im game for purchasing a Pre-Release sub to see what its got. Do you plan on having one dumaxed? If so I live only like 20 miles from DLC Design.....

    Last edited by The_spacemonkey at Oct 8 2002, 02:54 AM
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Also, wanted to comment on the W7 of Bart's...

    It's in that high output slot vented enclosure...
    It IS flattering to the 10W7, in that the thing really amazed me in that it seems to defy physics in a way, in that it is simply tight and lightning fast in that ported enclosure.

    It does have a slightly peaky response, louder in the 40-50Hz range, but that's no fault of the sub, the sub itself is amazing.

    I am thrilled that we have similar speed and attack with our sub, sound quality (defined by those terms) was even fantastic in our high-output dual-chamber vented enclosures!
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, our designs aren't finalized yet...
    Each prototype carries it's own possibilities for pricing!

    We are seeking out the best results/dollar ratio...
  8. Griff

    Griff Guest

    Great, looks like another one of those awesome value for money ventures, cluttering up the car audio racket and costing me! yes me! loads and loads of money purchasing every new great thing that comes around! :D

    Keep up the good work mate!
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hell yeah!
    I'd love to throw one your way, see how it works out in a real competition scenario even...
    Cool if it results in big scores...
    Cool even if something breaks, or if an issue is identified, that's potentially just as valuable to us! B)
  10. Wow this is going to be sweeet ! :jawdrop:
  11. betteraudio

    betteraudio Guest

    Well, our designs aren't finalized yet...
    Each prototype carries it's own possibilities for pricing!

    We are seeking out the best results/dollar ratio...[/b][/quote]
    Greetings all, Bart Etter here!

    The projected prices are as follows:

    10" - $300
    12" - $325
    15" - $350
    1600w amp - $400

    These prices are still the projected prices, of course, but we will keep you all apprised of any changes. We expect to have the amps to market in about 3 weeks.

    For those of you who haven't already been there, I've been working on overhauling the website onto the new webserver platform. The server package we're using now is fairly robust, and includes a chatroom, forums, email server (which I'm still working on getting functioning properly) and a few other really cool features. I'm also working on getting the member webpage hosting services and photo albums installed, but since my wife and I just had our first baby yesterday, that may take a while to complete!

  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Bart, welcome aboard. I'm glad you stopped by here to fill us in a little more. It seems Chris E. has abandoned us :p . I understand he is busy, and you too!!! Congrats on the new little one!!! What a joy, untill they hit 2 months or so, then it's all downhill from there, trust me, I have experiance ;) . JK, there really is no greater joy. Hopefully you will be visiting us here. We are all fans of Geo's and we are pulling hard for his success, and that includes you. As mike said, we'd be willing to open a "BA" forum here, if you guys would like a place to discuss your products. The best to both you and Chris.
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    No Greater Joy, or EXPENSE, :D

    No Kids for me, at least not in the forsee able future.

    Anyway, Welcome bart. You have just joined the BEST car audio forum on the net, :lol: :) :D :p
  14. bonne-man

    bonne-man Full Member

    me want, they are so pretty!! and what a great no-name sub that would be!! :D now, to come up with that much money...christmas shopping is coming soon, damn it to hell!!! :devil: :devil:


    p.s. congratulations geo, that sounds like a great thing that you have going on there, how exciting B)
  15. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    Geo!. i would be honored to give one a try... regardless, shoot me an email at Regal75@juno.com , id love to shoot the bull with you!

  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yea gives us a update
  17. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Yes, updates are good!
  18. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    lol....and then after i replied the guy who shot me the link told me how old this thread was...
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    if you would come here more often you would know :D
  20. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    do need more people i here.. i swing by when i think to... need to visit more often...