Gmail Invite

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by AustinKP, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Oh, and if anyone else happens to be interested, I got a couple more invites today. First two PM's get them.
  2. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    So how do you get invites? How does that work?
  3. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Once in a while, gmail members get invites to give to others. You'll see on the left column below your labels "Invite a friend to Gmail". It just happens every so often. It took me a couple weeks to get one. It doesn't seem to matter how much you use your account; as long as it's active, you should get invites.
  4. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    You are right. You can delete them from your inbox. But they still stay on their server until they are done with them.

    Care to post what you are talking about out of their user agreement? They do have motive...advertising. You already stated they use what is in your emails for advetisement purposes.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Correct the Gmail Servers Scan the Email looking for "keywords" in which is uses that to Display Targeted ads

    this is ALOT ALOT more intrusive than any other Web Mail Provider, and Illegal for any ISP....... unless directed by Law Enforcment, which since the Partiot Act killed all Personal Privacy does not take much....

    I have been Following Gmail from the Word Go.. even before it was widely known in the Public..

    at first it was GREAT until all the Nasty Details started to Emerge

    it is fine if you trust google as a company, but since I trust no one that couts me out

    it is true that the only way to get a good security is through High Level Encyption, but than that makes you look suspect to anyone that is watching, Although I have been guilty of Send encypted messages of just gibberish to people just for the hell of it :p see is some black suits came to my door :blush:

    :blush: :bye: :lmfao:
  6. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Google's privacy policy is here: Click

    I'll include the most relevant parts...

    -We collect limited account information and store and maintain your account and email messages on our secure servers.
    -We will never rent, sell or share information that personally identifies you for marketing purposes without your express permission.
    -We serve highly relevant ads and other information as part of the service using our unique content-targeting technology. No human reads your email to target ads or related information to you without your consent.

    Because we keep back-up copies of data for the purposes of recovery from errors or system failure, residual copies of email may remain on our systems for some time, even after you have deleted messages from your mailbox or after the termination of your account. Google employees do not access the content of any mailboxes unless you specifically request them to do so.

    As far as not trusting any companies, I can't do anything about that. But at least they're honest enough to let us know exactly what they are doing with our information, and have been right from the start.
  7. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    I stand corrected on them reading your email.

    But they tell you because they have to. Would be illegal for them not to.
  8. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Google can read all the emails of mine they want to - I've got nothing to hide. If was stupid enough to send emails about illegal activity, then I deserve to get in some shit for it (which I doubt would ever happen anyway).
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it is that kind of logic that leads to us losing more and more Freedoms everyyear...

    Granted that has nothing to do with Google or Gmail, but saying that is stupid

    that is like saying "the cops can Look around my House anytime they want, I am not Breaking the Law"

    So lets go ahead and shrow out the 4th admendment...

    it is all fine until the wrong person abuses the power, say you allow a company to read all of your personal email, you email a freind bitching about your Boss, a thrid party reads that email and fowards it to your Boss.. Your know fired....

    under current privacy laws you could sue. but by allowing the 3rd party access you now have not Recourse

    things Like Trade Secrets or any other Information that may not be illegal, but you still dont want the world to know, now becomes more or less public domain.........

    Time to see the Larger Picture here ;)
  10. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    this reminds me of Enemy of the State with Will
  11. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Michael, please don't take offense to this, but you really read too much into things sometimes. Just because I say Google can read whatever they want doesn't imply I am complacent with my freedoms being taken away. The two are mutually exlusive in my book. It's not like Google is Big Brother here. Trust me, I am with you on keeping as many of my freedoms in tact as possible.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not taking offense

    but it is not as far as a leap as you think

    IMO Big Business == Big Brother ;)
  13. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Google != big business IMO. Ford, Microsoft, etc = big business. We might as well say The Zeb is big business while we are at it.
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    when dd the zeb get to be worth 1.67 BILLION dollars????????
  15. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    Wow, this thread sure went in a new direction. :huh:
  16. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    But on a serious note. WHO CARES? If they give you a FREE account, let them do whatever the hell they want to. If you were paying for it, that would be different.

    PS, sorry about the double reply, i tried to edit and hit reply :/
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    with logic like that, no wonder why the contry is falling apart ;)
  18. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Same time crude oil was worth almost $50/bbl...oh wait, it is back down to $43/bbl.

    What Google is worth on paper means nothing to me in terms of its affect on my life.
  19. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Is your last name Savage by any chance?

    I just don't think someone signing up for a Google email account and not worrying about Google searching through emails implies a non-caring attitude about this nation. That just means I have nothing to hide from Google. If they want to place ads along the right side of my browser for midgit porn, then so be it. You might was well extend your ideology to say something like "anyone that shops at Amazon and has cookies placed on their computer is a red commie." Same thing goes with physical stores that keep tabs on what people buy and then advertise accordingly.
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well you said they were not "big business" ford has ZERO inpact on my life. google I use everyday..........

    Google had the 8th largest IPO in US History..

    They had a Revenue of just under 1 billion last year and with a 100million dollar profit, they have a 400million dollar profit allreayd this year (not including the IPO revenue)
    and they have over a billion dollars in assessts..

    they are not a small company, not by a long shot.