G6 Help!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by mistylynn, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. mistylynn

    mistylynn Full Member

    I went with the mrpf300. I also have a battery terminal I could use. It has a 4 gauge output and 12 gauge output. Lmk if that would be better.

    Also, if my processor has the remote on from the head unit do I need to connect the amp to the head unit?
  2. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    From your battery to you dist block the bigger the wire the better, so go with 4 gauge. No you dont need to connect the amps remote to the head unit, just use the "remote out" to the remote terminal on your amp, all will be good. Did you not get a sub amp and woofer???
  3. mistylynn

    mistylynn Full Member

    I might go with another amp and sub later but not right now. I'll let u know if I have any other questions. Have fun in Vegas