End of the Year membership Push

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. 1967cutlass

    1967cutlass Guest

    its me from CAF if u remember......
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Ok I found the Descipance on the meber list vs the Stat at the bottom

    When the User is still in validation (email ) they DO NOT appear as a member in the stat, but they DO appear on the Member list,
  3. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

  4. ImMersion

    ImMersion Guest

    So, are the checks in the mail yet? :D
  5. lilflop04

    lilflop04 Guest

    good luck micheal, hows the business?
  6. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    ahh... i c

    that make sense! :D
  7. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    399 members :)

    EDIT.....nm 400 :) 15 dollars...yay :)
  8. Infinity02Zinc

    Infinity02Zinc Full Member

    I think I was number 400 :p You can all thank me in the form of cash! :D
  9. Infinity02Zinc

    Infinity02Zinc Full Member

    N/M 412...quick typing bastages!
  10. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Yay......we did it!!
  11. 1967cutlass

    1967cutlass Guest

    hey look im #400 B)
  12. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    looks like i made it in time! the 31st! whohoo! :p
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I have good news and I have bad news Gsteg.

    The good news is that you can enjoy the forum and all it has to offer.
    The bad news is that the 15 dollars offer only applies to the first 400 people. You happen to be number 414 so it does not apply to you.

    Sike......you get it too! :D
  14. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    holy shizzal! u scared me right there! :eek: :angry: :p
  15. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    damn that worked well, glad to see this is working and hope most people dont just take the $15 and run...
  16. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    you can be sure i'll be here. i'm a car audio addict. i'm on almost every forum you can imagine..well i'm at lots of forums :D
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    All Members

    to get the cupon, and instrutions on how to use it you must have the email upadtes set in your settings

    to be sure you do yo to "my controls" Click "email settings" and make sure the second box is checked,

    the last update a sent out only had about 1/2 of the members active, I do not use it for spam, ads or anything other than CarAudioTalk Updates.

    You will rarly get anything commercail from me, unless it is a Very Big Speical for Car Audio Talk members only, which it normally only posted in the forum, and not emailed, unless there is a tight time constraint with it.
    Just a Final Reminder

    According to my program therea re only 277 members with the email fuction active, you MUST turn it on before 3pm New Years Day (when I am going to email the information on the $15) or you will not be able to claim the discount
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    tick tock tick tock
  19. xjmadness

    xjmadness Guest

    so its 15 bux in credit to ur store?
  20. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    its Jan 1, 2003 already :D