
Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by AbRaKaDaVa, May 1, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the offical lang is what the mass of the population speak, thus making English out offical language

    and I dont call myself anc caucasion american I call myslef a american, period
  2. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    Michael P

    Seriously, shut the fuck up about this issue..............take a Sociology or Multicultural Diversity course.......

    Its almost pathetic how stupid your comments are.........
  3. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    I think the term "African American" is a step backwards. It doesn't make any sense. If a person is born in the US, has parents that were born in the US, then they are United States Citizens. Forget the ancestry crap.

    And speaking on "America"... we actually live in the US of America, not America. Seems a mute point, but there are some countries that take offence to the US monopolizing the use of the term "America".

    And Engligh is the #1 spoken language in the world now.... Spanish dropped to second place.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Please dont tell me to "shut the fuck up" last time I checked I still have the first admentment right to voice my opion, as well as the fact I pay the bills for this forum
  5. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    Aww common man, is that the way it is? Don't be like that....:(
  6. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    Don't complain about paying the bills for this forum......you established it correct....? Yes, you sure did........

    Don't think that somebody, whoever it is, won't stomp on your "opinion" when you say things like you have on this thread........
  7. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    You've got some balls, Point...

    Why not go over to Mikes house and tell him to get the fuck out too?
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    trust me there are alot of people that feel the same why I do, I am not alone

    it is called a aurgement, you will never win a argument by pissing people off,

    why dont you sight reason why my opion is not valid maybe you can chaneg the wahy I feel, but telling me to "shut the fuckup" is only going to piss me off,

    Why should peole not speak the same language?
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    he does not want to come over here and say that, he will leave but not they way he would like:p
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am not going to punish people if they have a differant opion, the whole point that I started the other thread is to have a discussion like we have been having but I dont like to be insulted or told to "shut the fuck up"

    I have not problems paying the bill for this place, but I wont "shut the fuck up" because some person like him tells me to. that just shows his treu intelligence
  11. PointSource

    PointSource Guest


    I don't give a motherfuck who's forum it is........

    When he makes comments like that.........someone eventually will have a problem with that........
  12. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    Whew, that's good to hear! I never had a problem with you on CAF, but I wasn't sure how things were ran here, though.

    Now all we need is some more people to debate with..... one-on-one gets a little old :p
  13. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    Jesus H Christ....

    I can't believe the things you are typing! I simply don't need a reason when you say blatant, ignorant words like that......you are leaving yourself WIDE open.........can't you see........it all makes perfect sense......

    Look at your original post................oh how your words are changing so quickly.........

    Don't play the victim on this one........
  14. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Hey! I started this thread! =P
  15. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    So now you are making violent claims...............how classy and mature for an administrator............you have to result in threatening me.........


    Keep on climbing Michael.............:rolleyes:
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I have no problem with people of opposing veiw however irrational they apper to be:p

    I am just going to ignor PointSource, all he ever does is get on my case for any reason but never has backed up is point of veiw with a rational comment, only things like "shut the fuck up"

    or belittles me for my "typing" or "grammer"

    Last time I checked I was not in high school anymore or was I being graded for Spelling and grammer,

    oh well he must get is jollies of by attacking me, more power to him, I just dont care anymore, not worth the rise in my blood pressure
  17. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    I don't have to supply factual information when you make stupid comments like that........

    Your blood pressure rising over an online debate???

    Wow..........not good Michael....
  18. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    You crossed the line here man. Period. Whether or not you like it, Michael has the right to make that comment just as much as people have the right to speak a different language.
  19. breathe

    breathe Full Member

    The official language of the United States is not what the masses speak.

    Its even in high school civics that the United States does not have a official language. That is why there is bilingual education....

    You may not call yourself caucasion, but that is what you are considered. Ever take a survey? When filling in race do you mark american?
  20. breathe

    breathe Full Member

    True he has the right to say what he wants, but it was kinda rude and immature about the "I pay the bills" comment, that wasn't needed. Thats like a kid giving another kid a sucker, and when the other kid says something he doesn't like, the sucker is taken away....Without that comment it woulda been an okay debate, but it was a little childish.