Michael -> :starwars: <- Ebay I'm all for locating legit manufacturers blowing out their discontinued gear for dirt cheap in a legal, trustworthy manner! B) EVERYONE just really NEEDS to be careful on Ebay. There is no greater source of scams in the world than Ebay, I'd wager. Often, however, it can be easy to tell - or at least trigger your intuition. Don't go into an auction that you didn't read with 100% thoroughness, that didn't trigger any potential negatives with your intuition - and if there are any questions - Email the seller before bidding.
gonz had a great idea in a PM he sent me - try to get 3-4 replies from an Ebay seller so you can get a better sense of their communication and how they handle themselves with potential customers. I often times read the feedback and see what the negatives are. IMO the sale does not end once the buyers gets his product, but that is basically all feedback ratings are based on - whether someone paid up or someone sent a product, not the after-the-sale portion of the transaction.
Bros, theres just one big flaw in my logic... while i've had a fair share of dealings, developed a few good relationships, and have'nt been screwed (yet).... there is simply no real way to rule someone out as a scammer, because: a scammer wants to earn your trust, he wants you to email him, so he can "sell you" into his scheme or scam, what have you. a scammer would'nt likely ignore emails. A really good scammer will get over on even the best of us. Theres alot of precautions we can take... but we're never totally safe dealing on eBay, or with anyone, anywhere, for that matter. Ask Geo's friend who spent $24,000.00 at CompUSA for his business computers ... to have *instant* hardware failure, and then be told by customer service to "take a flying leap!"
point is simple... Mike wins all arguments regardless of who is correct. He has a rebuttle for everything you can shoot at him