Do You Know Your Adire Dealer?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Actually Adire was the first to notice problems, and was the first to drop them.
  2. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Well, if the cones get a bit flashier, we may start finding them at the flea markets along with Lanzar, Kicker, Rockwood and few other Audiobahns... LOL, this really makes me feel great considering I just ordered 2 Brahmas 15... Reputation of a brand matters quite a bit when you show off your system and personally I rather have something completely unknown then a brand associated with pawn shops, backyards and flea markets... I am not very happy at all after reading this thread... I thought Adire was catering to a few audio fanatics because it was catering to them and not because they just could not find interested dealers... I am actually concerned with how many places these days carry Adire, both on and off line... Hell, even Speed and Sound offers Adire these days... If this trend continues and their marketing dept does not give a flying about the quality and qualifications of retailers they deal with, this may be my first and only Adire purchase... :( This is even more disturbing than seeing JL Audio at Good Guys... :( :(
  3. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I know exactly what you mean!

    Sure it may be a great product, but when it can only be had locally at the "bad" shops then that is going to have so influence on a lot of people. Hell I'd rather just seem them sell online to avoid this, but thats just me. I know they are in the game to make money, but I think they need to have certain priorities especially if they want to keep their good reputation.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Actually Adire was the first to notice problems, and was the first to drop them. [/b][/quote]


    I was saying that 6-8 full mos before adire even thought about a problem
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well, if the cones get a bit flashier, we may start finding them at the flea markets along with Lanzar, Kicker, Rockwood and few other Audiobahns... LOL, this really makes me feel great considering I just ordered 2 Brahmas 15... Reputation of a brand matters quite a bit when you show off your system and personally I rather have something completely unknown then a brand associated with pawn shops, backyards and flea markets... I am not very happy at all after reading this thread... I thought Adire was catering to a few audio fanatics because it was catering to them and not because they just could not find interested dealers... I am actually concerned with how many places these days carry Adire, both on and off line... Hell, even Speed and Sound offers Adire these days... If this trend continues and their marketing dept does not give a flying about the quality and qualifications of retailers they deal with, this may be my first and only Adire purchase... :( This is even more disturbing than seeing JL Audio at Good Guys... :( :( [/b][/quote]
    How Cares about JL, they dont Care about their Customers, so why should you care about them?

    they care more about their Dealers than the Customer,

    as far as Adire Goes

    I do feel they are going more and more to the apporach of the bigger compaines

    "if they have a install bay, money, and a name they can be a dealer"

    That is the exact quote I have gotten from ebery rep company for every brand

    there is no concern for knowelege

    all they care about is

    1> that ypou have atleast one install bay
    2> have the money to buy products
    3> have a business location

    nothing else matters
  6. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    You see, that's where I have a problem. You state that as fact, when all your basing it on is a couple minor instances. In fact Adire has proven to take action in the past against dealers that go bad (Ampman). Now have you ever heard that above quote from Adire? I very much doubt it. But your above post seems to imply that Adire just doesn't care about their reputation and I think that is completely wrong.

    Now for my personal experience, Dan has told me in person that they are very careful with their dealers. He visits them every once in a while to see how things are going. He told me that he makes sure first that they have a good reputation, know what they are doing, and have a knowledge of how to deal with the product. In fact because of this research he does, he gives them a little more slack on warranty claims. This is because he knows we know the situation and can tell if it was a warranty issue or customer abuse. Now why would Dan have told me this if it was untrue?
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    no you mis understood, that is how most of the big name operate, the last post of mine had nothing do to with adire other than I feel they are moving toware this type, while I still think they have alittle more judgement it is not has much as it use to be...

    he told me this as well, back when HE was doing the discions, times change, people change, compaines change

    need proof???

    Look at RF
  8. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I tend to believe that this has changed judging from this dealer.

    There are good dealers and bad dealers out there, I would place this one of the list of bad! So, its not that I have anything against buying things locally because I buy just about everything locally, nor am I judging it on prices either...
  9. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Unless the unpleasant experiences described in this thread are completely made up, even a single instance of incompetent and unqualified reseller does indeed put Adire in a questionable position, either their dealer selection process (if it even currently exists and/or is being enforced) is not very strict or the expected periodical performance verirication takes place... Or perhaps the resellers' performance has been degraded to sole review of sale figures... Either way, very discomforting thought... And it is even one bad apple, especially as advertised on this board that puts the integrity of Adire or any other company in question, at least in my mind...

    Since Adire started in car audio initially (I think?) mainly through their internet sales, why there is not anyone from Adire contributing to this thread and dispensing any of the misconceptions and questions that are being raised about their company? And if Adire has gone the JL and RF way and cares more about their sales figures than reputation, why not just be open about it and stop pretending... <_< ?

    Either way, it is nice that some of Adire resellers chose to defend its name (althogh this may be perceived as somehow biased position anyway) but this is actually (at least for me and IN MY OPINION) making things worse because obviously the good and caring resellers will respond to the allegations (and the bad apples who do not give flying to begin with will remain silent) but if there is no input from Adire, this gives me an impression that it may be a luck of the draw to deal with a good and honest reseller on he local level...

    Not a very comforting thought altogether... And you never know who reads these forums.... :(
  10. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I haven't made a thing up about any of this, why would I make something bad up about a company who's product I am looking at buying? I think I have been around here and CAF long enough for most people to know that I am not just going to make things like this up.

    This place was a total joke IMO. He could not tell me anything I wanted to know including prices! He even then began to tell me the things I knew were not correct (like they can fit in fairly small boxes). Overall I got the impression from him that not even he wanted me to buy Adire (partly because he said "they change their products about every 3 months"). I would also like to know how does Digital Designs come up in a conversation about SQ woofers? :rolleyes:
  11. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    So you did make it up...:) , LOL... J/K... I actually said UNLESS... just to demonstrate my point...

    But I do not think you really know much about car audio anyway (especially under your Hazard sn) ... LOL... I AM KIDDING, in case you decided to take this literally... :p
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    I understand your concern over dealers and Adire not commenting on the situation at hand, but I think my reasoning is valid.

    I cannot comment on the dealer, or the situation from personal experiance. Being that I do sell Adire products authorized does not give me the right to question the dealer or comment on Adire's dealer selection pratices. I can speak freely about the product, and my involvment with the product (including warranty, and common failure issues) but it is not my place to discuss Adire's buisness, other dealers, or products not yet released to the public.

    Also, due to CES most everyone at Adire that does browse the net and these forums is now unavailable ;) (as Steven alluded to in a previous post). I assure you that Dan or Chris B. will comment on this, either directly with Chris (Hazard), and/or here in this forum when they have access to the web. I will personally link this to Dan tonight and he will approach it as he sees fit.

    Adire was initially a home audio company, by the way. The Brahma being the first CA designed product and it's initial release to the public being just a tad over 2 years ago. Shivas (the first of their subs to become used in CA to my knowledge, thanks to Marshall (blkx00)) were primarily designed as HT subs ;) .
  13. ScottS

    ScottS Full Member

    Do not go to that shop it is uterly worth less and they stock nothing.go in looking for abrahma they will try to sell you a planet audio or a JL. Trust me i used to work there.
  14. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Well, considering this thread originator, I found this thing rather alarming... Chris (Hazard) is someone who's opinion I would definitively respect... Since I have decided to go with Adire subs, I am somewhat sensitized to any bad publicity sorrounding the brand... I am already taking a bit of abuse from the locals for not going with W7 to cure my no low end blues but I am willing to stick it out hoping these things will really deliver... There are many folks reading these forums and word spreads faster than you may think... Once a bad stigma surrounds a brand, it is very hard to shake it off... As I said earlier, I rather go with a brand that is completely unknown than one that others perceive as a pawn shop or flea market special... I hope you can understand my concern...
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I dont really think a Bad Dealer here or there will hurt them in the Online market

    If that was the Case JL would have been out of biz a long time ago because I have yet to met a compentant JL Audio Dealer.....

    But it will hurt them in the way for Future Expansion...

    If they get alot of People "becoming dealer" but never try to see or in the case of brick and mortors Stock the products and get Adire Customers that come in for Adire products to buy another Line that may be more Profitable, this is where adire would be hurt

    Like the Above post by ScottS where he stats that the Dealer "Rags & Records" does not stock any adire products and people that come in looking for Adire are Upsold to JL or another line

    this is BAD

    I feel Adire is getting to the Point where they need Reginal Reps (I hate to say it really) to look out for thier Brand, this desicion however need to be mage throughly because just as their are bad Dealers, there are just as many BAD BAD BAD BAD reps, probally more so than Dealers.......
  16. TalNLnky

    TalNLnky Full Member

    i think many of you might actually be labeling a Bad dealer... when in fact they would better be classified as an average, not a bad, but just not good/great.

    its very easy to judge somebody or thier business & staff by 1 brief talk, that doesn't mean the small interaction you had is indicative of the service & knowledge there, crap, you might'va been talking to a new, guy, maybe even a new manager that just got a job there cause he's got managerial experience somewhere else.... JUST saying, make sure they're crap before you call wolf... thats all, get to know all the people, not just 1 guy. then make your conclusions.
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I understand your concern Peter, but I think when you hear them you will be confident in your decision ;) . Let the product speak for itself.

    Again, I cannot and will not comment on said dealer, and Dan and Chris are at CES. I assure you, they will lay the concerns to rest ASAP.
  18. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    This is exactly what is happening at this shop.

    I understand that every company has a bad dealer, but I am just letting yo know what is happening here since this is a well talked about smaller company. And, from the impression that I have gotten from the company (as I believe MikeP has goteen too)they are trying trying be strict on their dealers. Well, obvisouly this one has slid by.

    I know a dealer shouldn't reflect the brand. but sometimes it does especially with smaller brands. I know JL and may other brands have bad dealers, but does that reflect my decision to buy them? No not really. However, with smaller brands that are still somewhat "unknown" I think this impacts them a lot more, really it kind of even makes me wonder about the brand. Looking at the shops that cary them they seem to be no where near impressive, but the one I delt with I would classify as a BAD dealer not average. They told me the brahma needs a huge box for sound quality, when in fact it takes a smaller box than the w7s. (.2 cube box ... it dont get much smaller than that) Also, the fact that their Nemisis beats the w7s and the Brahma...

    If I was just some kid who didn't know anything and bougt what dealers told me was good I would have walked out of there with a nemisis. :rolleyes:

    Again I don't believe this guy was new or anything like that. From the impression that I have gotten he may own the store, but I am not sure. He was also there the first time I went in there about two weeks ago (as posted on another thread).

    As Seth said let the product speak for its self! I agree totally, but unfourtinately not everyone does this. I just bring this here in hopes that it will get cleared up and maybe something will be done with because as peter said this is somewhat disturbing. :(
  19. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Hi all,

    Send an e-mail to Chris Brunhaver about your dealer experience. We try to visit our dealers prior to signing them up, and do grille them about their experience/knowledge, but many times the person you talk to/interview isn't always the person the customer talks with.

    The dealer in Spokane is primarily in marine audio. Brahmas work great in marine situations because of the tiny box requirements - you get plenty of output in the cabin. They will sell for other apps too, but primarily boats.

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I seen you had one i my town, did you guys visit that one, Lafayette IN

    I have not been their, but if I knew you guys were going I would have come in to Give you a Hard time :lol: :lmfao: :lol: :lol: :lol: