caraudioforum down today?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by zabooza, Apr 19, 2002.

  1. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    im ending this arguement because your just taking it in circles.
    good day sir

    and let me just leave you with this

    would you rather fuck a fat ugly chick every day
    or a hot chick once a week?

    Thought so
  2. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

    thats the best analogy i have ever heard
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    LEGALLY they cant tell anyone anything but dates of employment and position held and the other thing i mentioned in the above post. Its a bit different with financial institutions

    You are naive

    What you all seem to be foregetting is that this place would have no membership if it wasnt for CAF. 9 out of 10 (if not more) of the members here are from CAF and heard about this place from CAF.

    people are leaving there because

    moderation? your going to argue moderation? moderation sucks, at CAF we moderate ourselves

    and most there are not good at it.

    , there is a big demand for loan officers who have 2 years experience at 21.....second, those people need me, im 21 years old been there for 3 years

    is it 2 or 3 years? With 2 years experiance you are very, very replaceable. especially if they knew what you did on their time.

    If you don't like it here, why come here? Just to create a slamfest? Hmmmm, self moderation, I love it
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    The hot chick you are refering to gets fucked about 500 times a day, and not by you. I like to keep away from sloppy seconds. I personnaly am so picky, I'll wait to find a hot one and be the ONLY one fucking her.

    Poor analogy.:stupid:
  5. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest


    have you ever worked at a financial institution? whats that? you havent? then i really dont think you have the basis to call me niave.

    actually, we are very good at it. So your telling me what? you want to turn this place into termpro?

    as i said, you have no clue of the turnaround in the field i currently work. I almost have top senoirity in my department.

    if you dumbasses would read ANYTHING and get your head out of your asses youd see that ive posted (not once, but TWICE) that its not that i dont like this place, its that i like CAF better.
  6. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    spoken like a person that doesnt get any......... :p
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    have you ever worked at a financial institution? whats that? you havent? then i really dont think you have the basis to call me niave.

    Yes actually. And my uncle was the president of Leasing and Loaning for M&T bank in WNY. I do also, you're concepts and work ethic speak for themselves, as well as provide us with your maturity level, which is quite apparently under the 21 years you claim.

    actually, we are very good at it. So your telling me what? you want to turn this place into termpro?

    No that's why we let you say...

    if you dumbasses would read ANYTHING

    If you don't like it, and have nothing productive to say, why come here? I have yet to see you display any intelligence or complete any nessicary information regaurding anything you have said. My $.02 is, I see why you like CAF better, you fit in better.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Good Job Sandt, I think someone Just put their Foot in their Mouth
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    You should see my wife you moron. Blonde/blue 5'4" 104#s with some nice 36C s. You are sitting in front of this thing insulting people and I wonder, where's your girl?
  10. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    Well thats wonderfull, however one of my best friends where i work is complience manager. I stand by my claim. I might be wrong on the legality, but i dont think i am. If not legally then by policy. Im right, dont worry about it.

    If your so concerned about my work ethic of your members I think you should talk to one of your moderators about the same thing. Dont give me that fucking bullshit okay, because if you had the chance youd be doing it too. Say im lying and your full of shit. And on that, if they treated me like anything more then a child maybe i would work like more then a 21 year old in a job i dont want to be in.

    The forum creator got me started on this, i would have left it how it was. If you think this forum is so superior why do you even bother to go to CAF? last time i saw you had 1000+ posts and are still posting.....arent you too busy having your nose up michaels ass to be posting at CAF?
    no necessary or complete information regarding what ive said? Then why have you skipped over some of the questions ive answered? the onces that ive proved you wrong on?You said that im very expendable....yet i came back with the fact that i almost have top seniority.....and you didnt reply back to that.....i think thats "necessary and complete"
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Here's my wife & son. Tell me i'm not getting any.
  12. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    you take her out for chinese food? Them oriental waitresses are hot sometimes!
  13. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    here she is...picture really doesnt do her justice, this was back when we were in hs
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Everyone needs to Cut the Pissing match off

    GTA, if you dont like my forum _-LEAVE it is that simple

    We like it here better than the other, you dont have to come here if you dont want to

    BTW You are WRONG on the HR stuff, When a Employer asks another company about you they will tell the just about EVERYTHING, they can not LIE about you but they can say if you had a attendance problem, or were doing unrelated activites on the job, Trust me I did my own hiring and firing, I wish I still had the form I sent to all the compaines for referances,
  15. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    jesus christ you fuckers are dense, i never said i didnt like this forum, i said 3 fucking times!! 3!!! I dont have anything against this forum (besides a few of the members) I just prefer CAF
  16. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    no, im RIGHT about the HR stuff, You may have done your own hiring and firing but you didnt do them at a financial institution, things work much differently then much of the world works at these places. When you have government people come in to check ALL your compiance and work more then once a year, you can tell me that they are the same....untill then dont even try
  17. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    ECA is a great forum, has some great members, but also has a few bad apples as well. Still very Arc/Rainbow/ID Biased. An all around good forum, maybe the best.

    Termpro is LOADED with information, from a lot of very knowledgeable, educated, and professional members. Heavily oriented towards SPL, however, the SQ Section is one of the best on the net.

    CAF has been going downhill since 2001. Too many keyboard commandos there. It's a begineer forum. Still my home forum, though. Needs a new owner as well. The old school members, don't post there too often.

    CAT is the newbie forum. All the members basically commuted from CAF as well, even Michael P, who has close to 7000 posts on there, he started in 2001. Thats a lot of posting. Seems to be a good forum, needs more traffic, and the people are nice to each other, which is a big plus.
  18. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    sometimes caf is like a spelling bee contest. Grammar nazzi's![​IMG]
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Ever hear of OSHA, I worked at a Warehouse,

    We had VERY specilaized Equipment in dealing with the large 3500 series Catipiller Engines and Gensets

    We are talking about 15-TON on AVG gensets(that is 30,000 pounds)

    Trust me we had some Goverment people looking over us, Are product inventory totaled will over 100Million dollars at any one time

    The largest Eng we had was a toos up between the C-lift as they were called, mainly went on aircarft carries, Weighing in at about 46,000 lbs, or the Large Dumbtruck that they use in the mine, 42,0000 lbs

    I had to make sure I knew who or what I was hiring,

    I dont believe a financial institution's HR restrictions are much differant then anybody else's
  20. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    why cant we all just get along???:gay:

    :p :p :p