CAF (sorry Michael)

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by marquisgt, May 1, 2002.

  1. One Eyed Jack

    One Eyed Jack Full Member

    post the name Car Audio Forum and watch the topic get locked! Michael, I wasnt starting a CAF vs CAT thread. Hell, CAT sucks balls. Nobody ever comes here.
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hey, I tried to start intelligent threads over there! :(

    "neglect the search feature" sound like totoro...
    Or was that tornodo?

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    yeah have to come back

    so does nasty...

  4. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    well just to let you know it is somewhat back up. All the threads are gone right now but you can reregister and post, dont know if the old posts will be back or not.
  5. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    hey man, do u like reading threads about how bad CAF is or how much it is always down?? i dont. thats why they get closed. and if you dont like it here then dont come here.....:)
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I closed your Post because you said

    this indicates CAF bashing in which case YES I will close down the Thread, the ONLY reason this one is open is becasue it was for INFO on what happen, I closed one of the same topic in the Gerneral forum because 1>it was in the wrong forum 2> this one was already here

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    to michaels credit (gulp) this baby's up and running while CAF is still quite dead...
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well thank you

    But This site does not have near the Trafic volume and if it did I am sure it would have a few problems and would more than likly force me to change my server as well, I am not hosted for the high amount of traffic that CAF gets, if I ever grow that big I will move with no problems, I think Lee's main problem is that he has a IMO bad hosting company, I hope with the Move he has fixed that and will provide the users of his forum with a better uptimes, But you can not expect much since the site is free and advertisement free, so (just like here) his stereo shop soley supports that site

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    who's his ISP, who is yours?
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    he uses Rack Shack or a Subsidary of that company

    I use altiea net hosting
  11. PointSource

    PointSource Guest


    Toro is here? Where is the toro?
  12. One Eyed Jack

    One Eyed Jack Full Member

    you're tighter than Lee.
    R E L A X

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    CAF is going to be back soon...their server got hacked and was being used to launch DOS attacks...
  14. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    and i dont see why he doesnt try and do some internet sales, he has a huge group to sell to and i doubt if traffic would slow at all.. he doesnt have so much as a link to his web site if he even has one.. we tried tyo find his shop a while back and it wasnt easy. i think it would be in his best interest to put up something.. hell, he is the only major forum out there that ISNT an advertisement..

    sounddomain, elite, here, soundillusions, carsound, even trempro is an ad site for termpro products and dbdrag racing itself as well as the many sponsors on the main pages.. it is remarkable that he devotes that money and time to the forum, however i think he should go ahead and advertise a little and at least break even on the forum.
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I agree 100% I can tell you the name and Address of his shop,

    He should atleast have the name and address of the shop in the Copyright info,

    but it could be a tax thing as well
  16. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    seems like if anything he would be able to write it off of his taxes.. afterall he is doing a public service by providing a forum for educational purposes. same for you.. ever looked into writing the forum expenses off??

    oh yeah we found it eventually. id like to visit it someday and meet Lee Herron. would be strange seeing him in person.
  17. SystemAddict

    SystemAddict Full Member

    CAF is back up for whoever wants to check it out. the regular website is not up yet ( and nothing has really been transfered yet (you'll have to create a temporary name because names haven't been transferred yet) but to get to it it's
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    do you know that by posting there now it will creat MORE work for Lee

    Please Just WAIT for him to finsh the transfer
  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hell yes, michael!

    Check that out..

    I know you need a web host for your site regardless, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to write off those hosting expenses, justified by a "charitible cause?"

    Fantastic suggestion Regal!
    And I bet this has been done before... ;)
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    My Hosting Cost $120 a year