BRAHMA 12 MKII, On it's way!!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Unless i slept all day, and dreamed up todays events, he definately has the sub.. hehe

    And now, time to highjack seths post!!!!!

    Ran home today in a tizzy and decided to throw together an enclosure for my recently acquired 10w7. It was seeking a 2 cube enclosure considering my way below rms power (200wrms), but, a dumb cut about 4" short lead me to just go ahead and finish it up at 1.6 cubes. Whipped it up real quick, gave it a lil while to dry, and into the car it went. First off, mounting the woofer was fun. I dont know, there's just something about disassembling a woofer that gives me a woody.. :blush: OK, this woofer is easily louder than any woofer i've ever run, hands down, and with only 200wrms. Boston pro 10" with 600wrms, e12k with 400wrms, idq 12" with 400wrms, and umm, that about it. Next thing i noticed, it goes looooow. Again, the low frequency extension excels all my past woofers. A lil while ago i took it out for its first SQ run. Innitially, i thought it was a bit sluggish, but when i actually sat in to give it a real SQ test, it wasn't nearly as sluggish. Its pretty much what i look for in a woofer, with some extra qualities. Its aggressive, quick and deep. My type of woofer. Now im just tryin to figure what i have to look forward to when i get more power to feed it. I've changed my mind on the power im gonna run to it. I innitially planned around 800wrms, but i think i'm gonna go with no more than 600 in a slightly larger enclosure.
  2. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Pperhpas I missed someting....I dunno...

    But why did you get a new sub? Something wrong with the other one? Or was this the second one that you were going to get? Since this is a different sub, wont you have to (or a least want to) get another one to they match and are the same sub since some of the specs appear to have changed?

    Forgive me I have been somewhat out of the loop lately, been really busy down here. :bag:
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    No, nothing wrong with the other one at all. I just wanted to see what the MKII was all about, so I got it. I wanted to get a head to head between the first run drivers (My 4 spoke B12 was one of the first production drivers made) and the updated drivers. As a salesman/spokesman for the company and the drivers, I feel I need to be familliar with the new drivers as well as the old ;).

    Thus far, the updated driver seems to deliver far more than the origional. As far as overall SQ, being that the new suspension is so stiff I will not call this as gospel, but it is a bit punchier, and definately louder. I think the stiff, fresh suspension is bringing the FS up some, and is most likely why I am hearing an audible differance. I don't suspect that the minimal parameter differance will be audible after the suspension breaks in.

    I think the major differances will be reduced slap, and tinsel/spider/cone collision when linear excursion is surpassed. Also, thanks to the stronger tinsels and better coil cooling, I suspect less tinsel burn then we saw before due to thermal issues and clipping.
  4. QtRKoR

    QtRKoR Full Member

    Looks beastly... *drool*
    Hopefully they used better glue on the spider this time. ;) :D
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Dude, Cort... you need to hear this thing!!! I can't handle it!!! I put some sine drops on it, and my HU is on +1 (for those of you that don't know, +3 on my HU is a 3Db clip) and it is evil!!!. I don't know what is up, but this sub seems WAY louder than my old sub. Sounds damn good too. I got new rattles in my car. Also, to aleviate concernes, there is NO slap and NO rattle with these sine bombs either. This thing is crushing... Wicked :jawdrop:
  6. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member


    Its good to hear that Adire is taking steps to fix their product, and it seems like they've made some serious improvements on it. I just wish they would have originally come out with this design. It just leaves a 'bad taste' in my mouth knowing that they had a driver with a few problems problems. (same goes with the Kodas and the ED As...Although I do put more faith in Adire than I do ED (at least I think)) :bye:
  7. QtRKoR

    QtRKoR Full Member

    Hopefully I will be able to have the Brahma singing in my ear soon, preferably the mkII :p
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    They have seriously done a great job of handleing all the issues I have heard of with the first Brahmas. This woofer is a totally differant animal. Being that I am a dealer, and do speak with quite a few other Adire dealers, I do know what is going on with these drivers, as far as faults are concerned I mean. The design improvements of the MKII were very obviously targeting the flaws we have seen through the first series. And what a remarkable job they have done ;).

    I'm sure Cort will post up here about how I called him like a little kid at Christmas today after work, and told him I would come over so he could hear this thing. Typically, I am rather subdued about things like this. Usually Cort calls me, seemingly more excited then I am about my new toys :p . My responce is usually, but you'll hear it sooner or later B) . But this thing has me creaming my jeans... I called him and told him I would stop by. He pointed out that I never do this <_<

    This thing is golden.
  9. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Actually Adire is very quick to impliment changes. The Brahma changed quite a bit over the time it was out, even before the Mark II. It's just that they don't advertise the differences. The same goes for the Koda's. Talking directly to Adire, the actual number of Koda's with a problem are extremely small. But even still the came up with a solution to strengthen the glueing of the surround. This means that there shouldn't be any more problems, as long as people don't abuse their drivers by torking them down so tightly.

    Adire tries to keep up with issues and concerns, and take action accordingly. As a dealer, I try to let them know my thoughts because I know their product will improve because of this. Although sometimes these changes take time. If it requires new tooling, or availability of a certain part at the build houses, this can delay the time that Adire can make the product better.
  10. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I suppose I could sorta put my comparison picture up.

    Here's the old spider and tinsel leads (that camera needs glasses):

    And here's sorta the new leads a spider:

    And here's me having a little too much fun with Adire products:

    My Sound Domain description:
    "I noticed that the Koda mid could fit perfectly in the surround of the B10. I don't know why, but I took a picture of it and thought I would display it here. We'll say the Koda is the B10's clone, 1/4 the size. I call it.................................Mini-B"

    At least I thought it was funny. :lmfao:
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    ^^someone has too much time on their hands ;)^^

    Great pic dude!!!

    Hey, I am going to hit you back on that PM you sent me tonight. I'm gonna sit down with my son and help him with his homework right now, but I will get with you tonight.
  12. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Maybe I should recomend this to Dan as the new dust cap for the Brahma:

    Since some don't like the Brahma picture (I kinda do), I figured they wouldn't complain about that one. Plus it would give the Brahma an Fs of like 12 Hz. Wouldn't that be fun. :ss:

    No problem. I was actually just venting with that PM. Have fun with the homework.
  13. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Thats what the koda looks like!? :eek: :jawdrop: Looks more like an 8" sub.
  14. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Fs down to 12Hz, eh?

    Effiency will drop down to 50dB too! :D
  15. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    The Koda is a little beast!!!

    When we have the subwoofer gathering (Chris, feel free to shoot that GTi, and XXX10 down here :lol: ) we will post some pics of the Koda and the Vifa PL 7 incher as well. There will be a bunch of comparative pics of 10W7, Brahma 10, Flat K, IDQ, Brahma, Shiva, with those drivers and a few others hopefully for your enjoyment.
  16. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The Koda is a little beast!!!

    When we have the subwoofer gathering (Chris, feel free to shoot that GTi, and XXX10 down here :lol: ) we will post some pics of the Koda and the Vifa PL 7 incher as well. There will be a bunch of comparative pics of 10W7, Brahma 10, Flat K, IDQ, Brahma, Shiva, with those drivers and a few others hopefully for your enjoyment. [/b][/quote]
    Actually, the one I'd rather send you is the Cyclone...
    Too bad it's disassembled, wouldnt' even cost too much to ship (believe me, neither the GTi 12" nor the 55 pound 10" XXX would be cheap!), the Cyclone just doesn't weigh much.

    But then again, it might just make everything else look bad.. I'd hate to rain on the parade. :p
  17. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Actually, the one I'd rather send you is the Cyclone...
    Too bad it's disassembled, wouldnt' even cost too much to ship (believe me, neither the GTi 12" nor the 55 pound 10" XXX would be cheap!), the Cyclone just doesn't weigh much.

    But then again, it might just make everything else look bad.. I'd hate to rain on the parade. :p [/b][/quote]
    well send it on down here. Being a die hard PG fan, i'd love to see it. I say you put it together, i paypal you 20 bucks, and you send it on down.. Whatdya say?

    And umm, can anything look better than the ED flat cone woofers.... :huh: :lmfao:
  18. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    The Koda is a beast, but there are many drivers of the same size, or bigger. The DD drivers are a little larger, as are the ID drivers (slightly). I have several pictures on my web site you guys might like. One of them compares the ID drivers, Koda mids, and a/d/s/ mids. You can find them here.
  19. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Damn with all this talk abou thte cyclon I wish I wouldnt have passed up my chance to buy one! CRAP!

    Well I suppose as people have said before I hear more about the net companies bc I am on the net which is why I hear more bad thingas about them....I think this is true to an extent but it seems like the smaller companies have flaws due to design where the othe rcomapnies are just simply gettin people frying subs for the most part. Its just as a consumer I get worried when I hear about subs failing due to manufactuer error...Its good they are getting fixed but it seems like all the bugs should be worked out before anyone ever get the subs.

    Either way...Seth, your set up is one I want to hear. I want too impressed witht he As or Kodas in Steves (Krelkor) car, so maybe you can show me something I havent seen. I did like the shivas in my brother in laws truck as he did too...but I'd like to see what the brahama is about and maybe we can compare the adire products with the Utopias and the w7s....and cadances with the C2ks :) See if I really got what I paid for or just bought into hype ;) Once mine is setup (who knows when) I see us getting together for a meet....even if I have to drive the whoel way :)
  20. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    well, pre-production gear and actual production gear are assembled differantly, so "ironing out the bugs" is not always feasable ;). Ask the owners of the new Vettes when they first came out. There were no issues with the pre-production models, but they snapped sway bars and had leaking fuel senders (right on the mufflers!!!). This problem was so bad, they were backordered for over 2 months at 1 time!!!

    Such is life ;)

    Dude, I got a big ass house, extra room, and plenty of good beer waiting for you. It would be my pleasure to have you up for a little show-off, BBQ, and boozing session ;).