Any good SQ 12's $200 or less?

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by ajbrickyard, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. ThomasG

    ThomasG Full Member

    How do you find the Displacement limited power handling? I have never heard of that? I never blew a sub, but since I am in the market for new ones, it would be a good thing to know so I dont blow out my new ones. Also, how does the box affect this? I am assuming by not using the correct spaceing (ex. sub manufacter reccomends .65 for sealed, and someone goes way above or below this?) Interesting stuff once again..Keep us posted
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Basically Viking means severly bottoming out the speaker....going beyond its mechanical limits and doing serious damage.

    Most probable cause of this is incorrect enclosure...I.E. box too big, tuned too high, and playing notes way below tuning frequency...90% of the time a crappy prefab vented box will do this
  3. ThomasG

    ThomasG Full Member

    The box is so important..I never bought a prefab box..Always had them built..Pre-fab is cheaper though, and money is extremely tight this time....if I get pre-fab it will be like 60bucks cheaper...If the specs match the speakers reccomended encloser space, is it ok to use prefab sealed box??? How does one tune the box?? Is that building it to specs, or does it mean stuffing it with material or some other method?
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    most prefabs are crap...60 bucks is enough for a sheet of MDF, a box of screws, and some wood glue....if you have a jig saw or circular saw than you're good to go.

    I normally don't build boxes based on manufacturers recommendations...those spaces are just ball park figures
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    would it be a prefab if it were built by the company that makes the sub?
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Not in my opinion...if the company is Kicker.

    Your box is no prefab is specifically built for your sub

    I am talking about one size fits all prefabs
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    gocha.was just wondering.