Separate names with a comma.
My transmission crapped out in my car so i'm done with it. I give up. Time for something else. This is not the exact car i might get but it's the...
Nice job johnny! You must have seen that ED video lol. Ya the angle looks weird, maybe plan to turn them like half a turn each to get a better angle.
Welcome !!
an older pic but basically still the same, time for a second stroker and a new box! .
the Infintys are very crisp, i guess it depends on how you like to listen to your tunes, how you set your eq. Make sure whatever you choose that...
Nice box Pedro!! How many cubic feet is it? That sucks about your sub noise, slight possibility of maybe the speaker wire is laying close to the...
I can vouch for the infinitys, they make a solid 6x9 and 5x7. MTX also, maybe better.
Welcome !! Sounds like your subwoofer speaker wire is grounding to the metal frame of your car somewhere. Maybe pinched speaker wires.
Pretty good eh, i can answer you before you ask the question haha
oh ya, maybe i won't lol, need another subwoofer....I'm running at 4 ohms now. Power Acoustik PS1-5500D 5500W Max, Power Series Class D...
selling them both or just one?
No, i sold the subwoofers with the box enclosure. just got back from a nice ride, my ears are ringing lol. I think it's from the highs though not...
haha, ya you like?
Mary had a little lamb and bought herself a cerwin vega. So her and the lamb were out in the field blasting their tunes and up comes this wild...
LOL better
CaR AuDiO MaNuFaCtUrErS dEaLeRs dIsTrIbUtErS A a/d/s One Progress Way Wilmington, MA 01887 (617) 729-1140