Separate names with a comma.
short story long... :oops: 2.83v @ 8 ohm is 1 watt...that is true reference efficiency. 2.83v @ 4 ohm is 2 watts (or +3 dB from reference...
that may be, BUT you have to realize that people in power will do whatever they want to do...and will figure out a way to legalize it at the...
different motors actually...xbl2 is just a motor design. its kinda like saying "v8" or "inline 6", rather than saying that its a specific motor....
i saw it as well, and although im not big on gore, i dont think it should have been edited down to NOT show that stuff. the point is to get your...
how about a valid link? eric
you know he's rude when i get slightly offended by him sometimes :D dude was raw...thats the bottom line eric
not that i believe this is a stacked comparison...but i think it would have had a lot more credibility if this were posted a week ago :) eric
i have 2 re8's, and a spare box (was a dual 12 2.5 cube sealed box--not so much a 'box' any more tho). i just picked up an mtx blue thunder pro...
well, im sorry man, but i ended up getting something else. i still had mtx stuff left over, so thats what i ended up getting. good luck sellin...
ygm on the amp. one thing i forgot to ask tho...if using high level inputs, do the xovers still work? eric
so which half is cuban....the memphrican half or the louisianaian half? :lmfao: nizzy :bye:
42% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category. im in central indiana...on the ohio border. eric
he's THE distributor here in the usa... eric
Kirk Neal OWNS Sinfoni America. If you got ripped off, here's a link I found to get in touch with him :bye:...
if you type in the name grant diamond, you get 'king hardcore' :D eric
i was always told it was your middle name and the street you grew up on. mine would be ryan woodmont, and my old roommates name would be gene...
i want a GOOD 30/6 with a night vision scope and a baby eagle...too bad the rifle is about 6-8k, and the baby eagle is in the 4 digit range as...
damn...some of you boys are long winded! :lmfao: the funny thing here is that the harder everyone argues, the more set in their ways they...
let me step in with my super-ultra-uber knowledge here... i cant really fault kephart here, cuz he's trying to do the same thing that i do. when...
i have enough differences of opinion...i dont need anyone else to argue with me! hehe eric