Separate names with a comma.
Wow, welcome to the forum. It's always great to see new faces, especially when they are from different countries. I'm sure you will like it...
I still don't understand your racism against people who's states have too many vowls. :rolleyes: :P Steven Kephart Adire Audio
I thought I told you about that issue. When cutting metal, I always use an air saw. They are inexpensive, if you have air handy. Here's a pic:...
And you expect us to believe that? Admit it. You came up with that name knowing that one day I would misunderstand it's origin and look like a...
Huh? His name isn't Geo as in the car, it is something else (is it an interest in geology, I don't think so, but I don't recall). And lemon...
I just noticed it was your birthday today, at least it will be for another 20 minutes my time. BTW, from what I hear from Seth, maybe your name...
I must say, that looks awesome. Very well done. :yes:
Done. It is soooooo annoying how fast that thing get's full. This is the only forum I have that problem. :baby:
You guys have to check this out: That guy is good.
Wow, that sounds awesome. I am a huge Trance fan, and I really liked it. A lot of it reminded me of some of the songs on a mixed trance CD I...