Separate names with a comma.
this is true! which is kind of a pain in the ........... anyhow i would stray away from that deal as u can find something more useful! i can make...
in my oppionion your better off getting those subs with the boxes and amps and turn around and sell em for much more then u bought them for! then...
bandpass overall is a pain in the rear! my suggestion considering your interested in a bandpass is go get a ported enclosure! it can tuned and...
massive is good! not great in my oppinion but good, its all about preferance. say u take the best massive audio sub and put it against the best re...
wanting to buy cheap subs and amps would also be interested in dirt cheap wire! why am i asking this......well first off i have a car audio club...
could be that u have a surge somewhere could be caused by a faulty ground, check all grounds! one by one and see if that rules them out!
if u want it to look right go find a messed up sub with a good surround and cut a peice to fit and take a clear glue and silicon on the underside...
i thought you were getting the subs, 2 boxes, and 2 amps for 200?
well your staging needs to be in the front of the vehicle so better speakers in the front results in better staging considering speaker placement,...
well if u lived in oregon id do it free! but that doesnt realy help your situation
boy u cant make up your mind of what you want, lol ok ill explain a little about the comparison your asking about! first which size w7 second 2...
is this pioneer sub available in a dual 2 ohm configuration? if so u have some options u can do an amp that is 1 ohm stable or a 4 ohm bridgeable...
thanks guy's
well in all honesty thats not a deal i would pass up bud
well first off dont waste your money on sony explodes! and if your worried about looks put the subs in a box with the magnet facing out!
for that price just go buy a new one!
turn the gain down just slightly! the woofer is over extending basicaly causing the coil to slap. or also could be cone seperation!
if u want solid clean bass, try boston acoustics g3 12's! they sound fantastic! very clean woofer and in a sealed enclosure they play rather low...
if its the older mtx terminator subs they are just barely better then the blue thunders! the should be around 150 rms per woofer so about 450 rms...
your amp is a great amp! jbl amps r true power, no sense in getting rid of something that can power most woofers just got to get the right sub