Separate names with a comma.
Hey where did she go?
It's not in place now, and hopefully ever. But the fact that any one of those knuckleheads thought this was a good idea is scary.
So far they've just required manufacturers to print it on the label. Which, in my opinion, is a great thing. While banning it would be a good...
lol... I always kid with my Canadian friends about living in igloos. I've thought about it personally and I will probably be going up there in...
I bought my component set as a set like you did then I sold the xovers. It was cheaper that way for me. I run everything active.
I'll donate a few. Give me a PM Michael.
I believe the side with the wider terminal is the positive one. If I'm wrong someone else chime in. Have you tried running the mid and tweeter...
Sounds like a good deal to me. By the way, what do you have against XM Michael?
On the woofer.... is one of the terminals bigger than the other one? If i remember correctly, the bigger one is the positve terminal; though I...
The fuses on the amp are already there to protect it. The fuse on the wire is to protect your battery and the wire from burning causing a fire....
You speak for me there. Let us know when you find out more.
They did a good job last night, but they haven't won it yet.
I wouldn't say I'm old enough to remember that, but I did own an Alpine 7909 that was a pullout. That sucks about the CD player Michael. I've...
Yeah, you're getting into some pretty difficult stuff there.
I agree with Seth 100%. I think you're gonna have a hard time finding someone that will say using the stock unit is good.