Zapco EQ 30s Or Audiocontrol DQT ?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Nov 17, 2003.

Which would you choose?

  1. 100.0%
  1. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Just curious of what people think about the Zapco EQ 30s. Im thinking either a pair of them for $275 used, or a new Audio Control DQT for $400 new.

    What would you choose if you were running Zapco amps?

    I figured I'd post this here since the maturity level at CAF blows and people just shit all ove rmy thread over there. I guess that pretty much does conclude my postings over there. I had reduced the amout I posted over there lately due to things like this, but this pretty much wraps it up...

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I like the AC units myself.

    Personally, I prefer to install the hell out of the system ;) (but you knew that) and eliminate the "choppy" sound of a processed system. I should not have voted as I did (so remove 1 vote from the AC side of things), because I have no experiance with the Zapco units.

    Something to ponder though Chris, Zapco does nothing poorly. I would be totally surprised if you bought the Zapco units and were dissapointed.

    However, the reason you never see AC units for sale used, is they are so damn nice that no-one wants to part with them.

    What happened at CAF? I certainly hope enough of the valuable members like you get pissed off and join us here permanently. You are a tremendous asset Chris, and we are all glad you now call CAT home.
  3. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Well I talked to Ding and he said the AC didnt have the greatest output voltage. He also said go EQT, which is something I have thought of in the past, but I would really like to go digital. The only think pushing me away from digital is the price of the EQ 30s, which I guess resemble the EQTs. I have faith in Zapco amps; however, I have never used a Zapco EQ myself, but have heard great things about them esp the SLP-7. Im thinking if I can get them for 250 to 300 I'll do it worst come to worst I can sell them and probably make money off of them on ebay. But, I dont really think thats is going to be problem...:) Also, I like the fact that I can use the symblink system all the way through except 3 feet or so off the HU, maybe even less. Also, I could have a problem right there, the HU is going to be the weak link in the system because I am going to keep the stock HU for a while as a theft deturent.

    About CAF, I have found my self going there less and less as the weeks progress and found myself going to the F-150 forum and here. Main the thread that did it for me was this one on CAF ( ) and then ( ) (just read my post there and PSs)

    Basically I think just the general childish attitudes of the memebers there truns me away. I mean look at the post by...
    [Edited by geolemon: Come on, play nice, no flaming please :eek:t: ]
    ...with comments like that Im just sinking to his childish level, but hey I dont care right now.

    Also, I try to help out as much as I can, when I can, but when I ask for one provides any useful info, and instead just crap all ove rthe thread making anyone who may have posted not due to all the trash with in it.
  4. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    ppl on carsound seem to like the Behringer.... :p
    but it needs modding, cause it takes AC from the wall...
    there's a guy who does mods for it tho on there
    i've looked at that unit and it made me want one soooo bad
    cool thing is that it's got input for mic, and can be ur RTA...

    From what i've heard of those two companies, i doubt
    you'd go wrong with either of them...
    never had any experience with them tho... :D

    btw, anyone had experience with the
    PPI eq31?

    i had the chance to pick a NIB one on clearance, and figured
    it'd be cool...
  5. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Damn, wasn't the edit I was looking for. :no: But I guess it will do...Thanks Geo. :p
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Plus, the Behringer unit is NOT very expensive...

    Definitely leaves money in the budget for the power supply conversion kit. B)

    Not to mention, if you want to compete, ALL devices in your car must run on DC natively... so if you ran the Behringer (or anything else, for that matter) on a power inverter so you could plug it's AC plug into it, you couldn't compete with it.
    The power supply swap makes it run on DC natively.
    Just a little FYI...
  7. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    What does it run for?

    Also, is that the one that can uplink to a computer?
  8. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Dunno if you can hook it up to a computer, but it works
    great as a standalone anyways... memory presets and all

    i really wouldnt know how to integrate it (i.e. where to
    install it) in a car tho... it's a pro unit, rackmount
    so it might be a bit tough...

    you can actually check the msrp price online, at the
    Behringer site - there's a listing i saw there....
  9. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Im not sure that in my system I would get the full effects of it...

    So I don't think I can really justify the price. I can't see spending more on an EQ than what I did on any other piece of equipment in my stereo.

    Basically I think there are 3 or 4 EQs I'd like to use within reason.

    P9 combo
    EQ 30s

    I think the EQT and EQ 30s are simiar so I'd rather go with EQs in this case bc of the Zapco amps. So really Im left with 3 choices that I would use but then the P9 can be taken out due to price and other reasons, which is why I ask DQT and EQ 30s.
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I could have sworn the Behringer 8024 could be found online in the $160-$180 range... and what was being charged on Carsound for the power supply? $50?
    I think that works out to less than an EQT, doesn't it? B)
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    If you have a laptop to use for part-time audio duties, there's some cool product out there:

    But if you are going to involve a computer in your audio system (and I wouldn't, simply for the boot-up time), why not simply use IT for the signal processing then?
    All you need is a decent sound card:
    How do you like 1/12th octave resolution? :lol:
    I particularly like the software products that incorporate both RTA and digital EQ software into one package, allowing on-the-fly feedback EQ'ing. Intriguing.

    Lots of choices out there. B)
  12. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Ahh...then perhaps the EQ I am thinking of is not the Behringer.

    Doh.... :bag:
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I don't want the laptop the have to be in the truck. However, I would like the ability to be able to hook it up. I like the idea of an SPL meter/RTA via the laptop, but some of the prograns that Dan Wiggins showed me seem to cost a pretty penney, but they may be worth looking into since I could use them for home theater too. Although the one you linked to above isn't too bad really.

    Im going to grab a bit to eat, then look at the Behringer.
  14. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    No, that's the one...
    Digital 1/3 octave with parametric bands and all that...
    It's not that much money, that's all. ;)
    It's big though.. big rack mount size unit!