You (and your system) might be ghetto if;

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by JoeAudio26, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    You fit this profile..

    You keep asking "What will I hit with this setup" on message boards

    You don't cover your box with vinyl or carpet because you think
    it will affect SPL.

    You go to shows with those super ugly BARE MDF enclosures with
    exposed wires and screws. BONUS! Add 5 Ghettopoints if you feel
    offended with this statement.

    You go to Audio Shops (Circuit City, Best Buy, etc) and you act y because you think you know more than the sales guy

    You MTX and RF just because they sell them at Circuit City

    *NEW* You MB Quart because they are now owned by RF

    *NEW* You bump the hell out on stop lights because you think you're
    "The " and you like attention

    You think your prefab bandpass box sounds good

    You jump on brand bandwagons. (I smell Vifa mids... )

    You use lamp cords for power wires

    You have different subs in the SAME box

    You install neon lights on plain sight

    You believe in the "Magic Three Upgrade" BS

    You think your car runs better with a Grounding Kit

    You drive a Civic (ok I'm just messin ;)
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member



    i hope the magic 3 is not reffering to the upgrades under the hood, cuase, like dude, that works.....

    Well, to a point!!!!!!!

    Your system might be ghetto if--------

    -you listen to compressed music data to make up for the lack of dynamic range in the cpabilities of your sytem

    --you ground your amp to the seat bolt

    -- you think that depeche mode is the only way to ge real bass

    --you put a cap in your car

    --if you use wire nuts for your connections

    -- if you put quarters on your roof to show how much bass you got

    great thread!!! LOL!
  3. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    lol, I must be getting better on installing, only got 2 wrong! well almost, i do use lampcords but for speaker wire and i have two different subs in a box now. One is an mtx 400w the other is an infnity reference 300w but is only because i'm broke and need half descent tuneage until i get the other mtx. Does this mean I'm Ghetto. LOL:)
  4. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    :no: :yes: LOL
  5. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    oh god, how true ... how true..

    i work in a car audio shop. and it's located in the hood. I've "fixed" soo many ghetto fab jobs it's sick.

    i once did work on this 90's corcica with home audio speakers bolted to the b pillars. 100 awg speaker wire. a ****ty aftermarket Hu that was held in the dash by two rolled up tshirts. AND.. the power wire had no fuse. and his trunk.. two 15inch autobahn subs. oh.. and the ground was about 10 feet long. uh..

    i hope I didn't forget anything. lol
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member have a semi ghetto install

    I actually like my bare MDF enclosures...but I make them look nice.
  7. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    i have to admiit back in the day i used to use nothing but wire nuts.. they worked lol.. whole head unit wired up with wire nuts.
  8. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Since when does Fosgate own Mb quart? Did they buy quart from Maxxsonics?
  9. speedracer008

    speedracer008 Full Member

    o $ headunit is using wire nuts....o ghetto...hope i dont get shot cuz im white:eek:
  10. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    ive never seen people use seat bolts for a ground, but i have seen grond to the seat rail, good thread
  11. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    What a sick world we live in, I have to admit, I used the seat belt rail for a ground before. I was a amateur, live and learn......:unsure:...:D
  12. JoeAudio26

    JoeAudio26 Full Member

    You use duck tape, for sound dampening....
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    you use scotch tape/duct tape because you can't find any electrical tape
  14. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    I always say..... "if you can't duct it... f*ck it!"
  15. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    oh and today I worked on another ghetto mobile... the battery was held in place in the engine bay by a rolled up towel b/c the cheap bastards woudln't spring for the right size battery. 1. AND it had the "door jam special" (power run through the door jam)
    2. Rca comming from the HU thorugh the center of the car to the trunk.
    3. AND.. this was the cherry topping..... newspaper to hold the HU in.

    uh, i love my job.

    I'm gunna start bring my camera to work.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    once i seen a kid that had his amp bungie strapped to his box.also had his door speakers duct taped to the door.
  17. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    NICE one. lol
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    that was yesterday
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    same kid i helped out a few weeks back.this was another car.he has 3 and he's only 16.but they are OLD cars.the newest one is 22 years old
  20. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    i am going to have a post up here soon with pics of my ghetto temp set up while I get all my audio installed in the truck. Let me give you a hint.. portable cd player.. with mini speakers hooked into the headphone jack on it.. done. lol..... will have pics soon of it velcroed to my dash.